Innovations-Magazine-January-2023 - 18

Iowa Implements New Rules
to Allow Veterinarians to
Dispense From Office Stock
Effective July 6, 2022, veterinarians who
obtain compounded preparations for
office stock use will be allowed to further
dispense from the office stock, in limited
circumstances, in Iowa. The product can
be dispensed from office stock to the
owner of a veterinary patient to treat an
immediate medical need when timely
access to a patient-specific supply of
compounded medication is not available,
no commercially available product can meet
the needs of the patient, lack of treatment
will likely result in patient harm, and the
supply does not exceed 14 days. More
information can be found in the Iowa Board
of Pharmacy's October 2022 Newsletter.
New Mexico Approves
Regulatory Updates
The New Mexico Board of Pharmacy has
approved the following rule updates:
* 16.19.4 New Mexico Administrative
Code (NMAC) - Pharmacist. Sections
9, 16, and 17 had administrative updates.
Section 9 was amended to exclude
dispensing other opioid antagonists as
authorized in Section 24-23-1 New
Mexico Statutes Annotated 1978 from
the definition of unprofessional or
dishonorable conduct. Section 11 was
amended to include Schedule V in drugs
that may not be returned to inventory
under return of patient medication package
drugs. New subsections under " Consultant
Pharmacist - Clinic Facility " were created
for Class E clinics, specifying consultant
pharmacist visitation frequency and
activities. Section 12 clarified wording to
specify that a licensee must appear before
the Board as a condition of consideration
of reinstatement. Section 17 was amended
to include Schedule III in the requirement
for pharmacist clinician utilization of
prescription monitoring program(s) in
opioid treatment programs.
* 16.19.10 NMAC - Limited Drug
Clinics. Section 1 had an administrative
update. Section 3 was amended to include
administrative updates and reference
additional paragraphs of Subsection B of
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Section 61-11-14 to correspond to listed
facility types. The Board also amended
facility types listed to correspond to
limited drug clinic categories. Section 7
was amended to define " Mobile Narcotic
Treatment Program. " Section 10 was
amended to include Schedule V controlled
substances (CS) in records that may be
kept in the same record as dangerous drugs
with entry identification. In Section 11, the
Board updated statute citation and added
new Subsection E - " Class E Narcotic
Treatment Program (NTP). " Under Patient
Counseling, the changes specify additional
allowance for use of alternative forms of
patient information to supplement patient
counseling, when appropriate. Under Drug
Storage, specifications were added for Class
E clinics identifying that a 96-squarefoot
room is required at minimum. The
subsection related to the disposition of
unwanted or outdated drugs was amended
to add the specification that CS disposition
shall occur in accordance with
NMAC. New Section T was added,
outlining NTP clinic requirements.
Read more about these legislative changes
in the Board's October 2022 Newsletter.
North Carolina General Assembly
Revives Requirement to Notify
Prescribers When Dispensing an
Interchangeable Biosimilar
In 2015, the North Carolina General
Assembly amended the Pharmacy Practice
Act to clarify that, when authorized by the
prescriber, an interchangeable biosimilar
product may be substituted by a pharmacist.
That statute also directed a pharmacist who
acted on the prescriber's authorization " within
a reasonable time " to notify the prescriber of
that substitution, including the name and
manufacturer of the specific biological product
dispensed to the patient. Details on the statute
were published in Item 2312 of the North
Carolina Board of Pharmacy's October 2015
Newsletter. The notification requirement,
however, sunsetted on October 1, 2020.
A provision of the General Assembly's most
recent appropriations act has resurrected the
notification requirement. Effective October
1, 2022, a pharmacist who, as authorized by
the prescriber, dispenses an interchangeable
biosimilar to a patient must, within five
business days, " communicate to the prescriber
the product name and manufacturer of the
specific biological product dispensed to the
patient. " For more information, read the
Board's October 2022 Newsletter.
Washington Files Rulemaking
Inquiry Under WSR 22-09-065
The Washington State Pharmacy Quality
Assurance Commission filed a rulemaking
inquiry (CR-101) under Washington State
Register (WSR) 22-09-065 on April 19,
2022, to consider adding or amending
rules in Chapter 246-945 Washington
Administrative Code, related to prescription
label accessibility standards. The inquiry
addresses both visual and print disability
access and prescription drug information
translation for individuals for whom English
is not a primary language. Details of these
legislative updates can be found in the
Commission's November 2022 Newsletter.
Most articles published in State Board News are selected
from the newsletters of state boards that participate in
the NABP State Newsletter Program. Issues are posted on
the NABP website on each participating state's page.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Innovations-Magazine-January-2023

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