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Board Member Appointments
* Trevor Chandler has been appointed
a public member of the California
State Board of Pharmacy. Chandler's
appointment will expire June 1, 2025.
* Kartikeya Jha, RPh, has been
appointed a member of the California
State Board of Pharmacy. Jha's
appointment will expire June 1, 2024.
* Connie Connolly, RPh, BCACP,
has been appointed a member of the
Iowa Board of Pharmacy. Connolly's
appointment will expire April 30, 2026.
Board Member Reappointments
* Katie Thornell, MBA, RPh, has
been reappointed a member of the
Massachusetts Board of Registration in
Pharmacy. Thornell's appointment will
expire November 30, 2023.
* Lindsey Laliberte, RPh, has been
reappointed a member of the New
Hampshire Board of Pharmacy.
Laliberte's appointment will expire
September 7, 2027.
* Suzette Tijerina, RPh, has been
reappointed a member of the Texas
State Board of Pharmacy. Tijerina's
appointment will expire August 31, 2027.
* Christopher Sheard, PharmD, RPh,
has been reappointed a member of
the Utah Board of Pharmacy. Sheard's
appointment will expire June 30, 2026.
* Michael Carroll, RPh, has been
reappointed a member of the
Vermont Board of Pharmacy.
Carroll's appointment will expire
December 31, 2026.
* John G. Weitekamp, RPh, has
been reappointed a member of the
Wisconsin Pharmacy Examining Board.
Weitekamp's appointment will expire
July 1, 2026.
as a repository for a pilot program and
patient safety review data, which can be
shared with state boards of pharmacy.
Further, the work group recommended
that NABP encourage pharmacy stakeholders
to amplify their current messaging to educate
patients about pharmacy operations to
manage expectations and depict pharmacists
as health care professionals. Work group
members also identified schools and colleges
of pharmacy as being integral stakeholders in
developing a new pharmacy practice model,
as enrollment has decreased while the need
for pharmacists has increased.
Lastly, the work group members
recommended that NABP encourage each
board of pharmacy to review and revise its
regulations, if necessary, to utilize pharmacy
technicians in an expanded capacity and
allow for professional growth. This review
should identify regulations that address
duties that can be performed only by a
pharmacist to determine whether they can
be safely and competently performed by
non-pharmacist personnel and, if so,
they should be revised accordingly.
The Work Group on Workplace Safety,
Well-Being, and Working Conditions
met September 7-8, 2022, at NABP
Headquarters in Mount Prospect, IL. It
was established pursuant to the presidential
initiative of 2022-2023 NABP President
Reginald B. " Reggie " Dilliard, DPh, which
Work Group Charge
1. Review barriers in existing
statutes or regulations that
limit patient access to
medication and care.
2. Discuss opportunities to
increase patient safety by
enabling pharmacists to
practice at the top of their
education and training.
3. Determine other extrinsic
factors that foster unsafe
working environments when
delivering patient care not
already identified by the
Task Force on Workplace
Safety and Well-Being.
4. Offer solutions to
identified challenges.
focused on facilitating a new pharmacy
practice model that enhances and promotes
patient safety, while exploring a supportive
environment for pharmacy professionals.
Members of the task force included:
* Reginald B. " Reggie " Dilliard,
DPh, chair;
* Lee Ann Bundrick, RPh;
* Jack W. " Jay " Campbell IV, JD, RPh;
* John Colaizzi, Jr, PharmD, RPh, CCP;
* Kimberly Grinston, JD
* Diane Halvorson, RPhTech,
* Marty Hendrick, PharmD, DPh;
* Susan B. McCoy, RPh;
* Brenda McCrady, PD, RPh;
* Steven W. Schierholt, Esq;
* Kari Shanard-Koenders, MJS, RPh;
* Jermaine Smith, RPh;
* Mary Douglass Smith, PharmD, RPh;
* Theresa M. " Terry " Talbott, RPh;
* Cyndi Vipperman, CPhT;
* Jeanne D. Waggener, RPh, DPh; and
* Jeffrey J. Mesaros, PharmD, JD, RPh,
Executive Committee liaison.
Invited guests for the task force included:
* Michael Ayotte, RPh, National
Association of Chain Drug Stores;
* Joni Cover, JD, National Alliance
of State Pharmacy Associations;
* Rob Geddes, PharmD, Albertsons; and
* Brigid Groves, MS, PharmD,
American Pharmacists Association.
The work group report was approved
by the Executive Committee during its
December 2022 meeting and is available in
the Resources section at
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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Innovations-Magazine-July-August-2023

Innovations-Magazine-July-August-2023 - 1
Innovations-Magazine-July-August-2023 - 2
Innovations-Magazine-July-August-2023 - 3
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Innovations-Magazine-July-August-2023 - 5
Innovations-Magazine-July-August-2023 - 6
Innovations-Magazine-July-August-2023 - 7
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