Innovations-Magazine-June-July-2022 - 18

confidentiality, technology, personnel,
environment and security, policies and
procedures, and records. More information
about the telework rules can be found in the
Board's March 2022 Newsletter.
Iowa Updates Requirements
for Technician Trainee
Technician trainees in Iowa may renew
or reactivate their registration if they were
unable to attain national pharmacy technician
certification during their initial year of training
due to exceptional circumstances.
The Iowa Board of Pharmacy still expects
that most technicians will successfully attain
national certification within the initial trainee
registration year. Exceptional circumstances
will be considered on a case-by-case basis to
determine if renewal or reactivation of the
registration is appropriate. Technician trainees
who seek renewal or reactivation of their
registration must have confirmation by the
Board that their registration status is current
prior to continuing or commencing pharmacy
practice as a technician. More information
about the renewal and reactivation
requirements can be found in the Board's
March 2022 Newsletter.
New Mexico Rule Allows Technician
Administration of Vaccines
A new subsection was added to New Mexico
Board of Pharmacy rule 16.19.22 New
Mexico Administrative Code, allowing for the
administration of vaccines by a technician. The
rule addresses training/education, competency
assurance, and oversight requirements. This
allowance is for the administration of vaccines
prescribed by and under the supervision of a
New Mexico-licensed pharmacist with current
immunization prescriptive authority.
Technicians must be adequately trained, and
there is a component of required continuing
education. The pharmacist-in-charge assumes
responsibility for training and oversight of
immunizing technicians. While a technician
16 | JUNE/JULY 2022
may draw up a vaccine into a syringe, a
qualified immunizing pharmacist is still
responsible for final product verification prior
to administration. In addition, a pharmacist
is still responsible for counseling and proper
documentation of administration. There
are also limits on the number of technicians
administering vaccines at any given time that a
pharmacist can supervise, depending upon the
setting. A description of the rule can be found
in the Board's March 2022 Newsletter.
Oregon Board Adopts
New Rules for Telework
The Oregon State Board of Pharmacy
adopted rules to permit telework, which
is defined as the practice or assistance in
the practice of pharmacy physically located
outside of a registered drug outlet when
working as an employee of an Oregonregistered
drug outlet in a telework site.
The definition of " supervision by a
pharmacist " was also amended to include
a reference to the new telework rules.
The adopted rules in Oregon
Administrative Rules (OAR) 855-0413200
through OAR 855-041-3250 permit
a pharmacist, intern, or certified Oregon
pharmacy technician to work remotely at a
secured off-site, non-pharmacy location on
behalf of a drug outlet and provide regulatory
requirements for registration, supervision,
Tennessee Provides Notice of
New CSMD Rule
The Tennessee Board of Pharmacy has
amended the Controlled Substance
Monitoring Database (CSMD) rules to
increase the list of mandatory fields for
pharmacy and prescriber dispensers reporting
information to the CSMD. These fields are
consistent with the June 2017 version of the
Telecommunications Format for Controlled
Substances established by the American
Society for Automation in Pharmacy. The
current rules use the 2009 version of that
format. Pharmacies and prescriber dispensers
had until July 1, 2022, to become compliant
with the increased number of data fields.
The amended rules will also require that the
CSMD must be checked before initiating
a course of Schedule II amphetamines and
at least every six months during that course
of treatment. Other changes were made to
update the rule due to the changes outlined
above (changes in numbering, removal of
definitions of terms no longer used in the
rules, and formatting changes).
A new rule has also been created that
explicitly allows for the sharing of patientlevel
opioid overdose data through the
CSMD. The Tennessee Department of Health
is working to complete enhanced prescriber
report cards (EPRs), which will pull data from
the CSMD as well as opioid overdose data.
The EPRs will be provided to practitioners
through the CSMD. More information about
the rule changes can be found in the Board's
March 2022 Newsletter.
Most articles published in State Board News are selected
from the newsletters of state boards that participate in
the NABP State Newsletter Program. Issues are posted on
the NABP website on each participating state's page.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Innovations-Magazine-June-July-2022

Innovations-Magazine-June-July-2022 - 1
Innovations-Magazine-June-July-2022 - 2
Innovations-Magazine-June-July-2022 - 3
Innovations-Magazine-June-July-2022 - 4
Innovations-Magazine-June-July-2022 - 5
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