Innovations-Magazine-March-2023 - 16

Grace Sesi, PharmD, RPh
Member, Michigan Board of Pharmacy
When were you appointed to
the Board of Pharmacy? What
type of member are you?
I was appointed to the Michigan Board
of Pharmacy on July 26, 2019, by Governor
Gretchen Whitmer. I am a pharmacist member
and was recently voted chair of the Board.
Board of Pharmacy
Number of Board
6 pharmacist members,
4 public members, and
1 pharmacy technician
Number of
investigations pool
Rules & Regulations
Established by
Board of Pharmacy
and Department
of Licensing and
Regulatory Affairs
Number of
Number of
3,498 (in-state
and out-of-state)
Number of
What steps should a board member
take to be successful in their role?
Board members are advocates for public
health and welfare. A board member must
have strong knowledge of the regulations and
statutes within their state to be impactful.
It is also important to understand the roles
and responsibilities of other agencies and
departments and how they play a role in
making changes to protect patients in your
state. Being up to date on the practice of
pharmacy in all settings will help you develop
or eliminate regulations for better patient care.
In addition, it is important to not prohibit
innovation as technology is ever-changing in
today's pharmacy practice. Lastly, building
relationships with other board members and
staff in your state, as well as with other board
members across the country, is an important
step to take to achieve success within the role.
What are some recent policies
or regulations that your Board
is currently working on?
The Michigan Board has been working on
various rule sets over the past few years due
to the evolving climate in the practice of
pharmacy. Topics of discussion and proposed
changes include updating rules regarding what
pharmacists may professionally delegate to
pharmacy technicians, licensure portability,
central fill/processing, automation, and
controlled substances. The expansion of
delegation to pharmacy technicians is a key area
for all boards to examine, as challenges with
time and task management continue to exist in
the field. Expansion of automation allowances,
including storage lockers, dispensing kiosks,
and other future technology, is another key area
to ensure that regulations do not get in the way
of practice advancements and patient safety.
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Has the Board encountered any
challenges to developing and/or
implementing these new policies,
legislation, or regulations?
There are always challenges as we continue
to be more innovative in pharmacy.
Legislative and regulatory processes can be
lengthy and, at times, hinder our ability to
examine regulations that will provide better
pharmacy access to our residents. Statutory
limitations dictate what authority or powers
the Board has, which can also be limiting and
challenging. Our state has a majority of its
pharmacy practice within statutes, so making
changes via rules is not always plausible.
Sometimes, we can find other ways to adopt
regulations that have the same enforcement
capabilities as a statute.
What advice would you give
to a new board member?
My advice is to make a real difference and
get involved. Expand your knowledge by
joining different committees and task forces
and familiarize yourself with the different
practice settings and capabilities out there to
safely provide the best patient care. Identify
a mentor who is willing to help you grow. I
have been very fortunate to work with many
great leaders throughout my career who have
inspired and supported me in my journey.
Have you served as a member
of any NABP task forces or
committees, or attended NABP
or district meetings?
I have attended both the NABP Annual
Meeting and district meetings since being
appointed to the Board. I was also previously
appointed a voting delegate for Michigan.
The meetings are great forums during which
to network, share ideas, and advocate for
the advancements in pharmacy practice
that will improve patient access and safety. I
would encourage any new board member to
get involved in committees and to be more
involved with our profession in order to shape
the future of pharmacy for better patient care
for our citizens.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Innovations-Magazine-March-2023

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