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Arizona Enacts New Legislation
In June 2022, Arizona Governor Doug
Ducey signed several bills into law relating to
pharmacy. Here are some specific highlights:
* Senate Bill (SB) 1162 - Opioid
Prescriptions; Intractable Pain;
Exceptions expands the list of exemptions
from the 90 mg morphine equivalent
limit on opioid prescriptions to include
patients experiencing chronic intractable
pain or receiving opioid treatment
for perioperative care following an
inpatient surgical procedure.
* SB 1311 - Health Care Workers;
Assault; Prevention instructs health care
employers to develop, implement, and
maintain a written workplace violence
prevention plan by July 1, 2023.
* SB 1639 - Controlled Substances;
Medical Records Integration directs a
vendor that provides electronic medical
records services to medical practitioners
in Arizona to integrate the vendor's
electronic records system with the Arizona
Controlled Substances Prescription
Monitoring Program's central database
tracking system by December 31, 2026.
More details can be found in the Arizona State
Board of Pharmacy's July 2022 Newsletter.
California Implements
New Regulation Regarding
Temporary Closures
Effective October 1, 2022, permit holders will
need to notify the California State Board of
Pharmacy of temporary closures if the closure
is to exceed three consecutive calendar days.
This amendment falls under California Code
of Regulations Section 1708.1, Notification of
Temporary Closure, and excludes correctional
pharmacies. This does not include temporary
closures for weekends or state and federal
holidays, unless that closure exceeds four
consecutive calendar days. Read more in the
Board's August 2022 newsletter, The Script.
Colorado Clarifies Directions in
Additional PDMP Requirements
The Colorado State Board of Pharmacy
released additional information regarding
SB22-027: Prescription Drug Monitoring
Program, which stipulates that each licensed
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health care practitioner must query the
prescription drug monitoring program
(PDMP) before prescribing a prescription
for any opioid or benzodiazepine. The act
requires the group tasked with developing
a strategic plan to reduce prescription drug
misuse to also make recommendations to
the executive director of the Department of
Regulatory Agencies with regard to balancing
the use of the program as a health care tool and
enforcing the requirements of the program.
More details can be found in the Board's
summer 2022 newsletter, Counter Points.
Louisiana and NABP Developing
Automated Audit of CPE Records
The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy's rules
for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
will now require them to maintain their
continuing pharmacy education (CPE)
records via CPE MonitorĀ®
, NABP's
service that tracks and stores CPE credits
and monitors progress toward licensure
compliance, and further, to make those
CPE records available to the Board by
recording their Louisiana credential number
within their CPE Monitor account. The
Board's renewal application forms have
for several years included a question
relative to the applicant's compliance
with the CPE requirement. Beginning
with the renewal cycle of a pharmacist
license for calendar year 2023, the Board
will include an automated audit of the
applicant's CPE records through CPE
Monitor during the online renewal process.
The automated audit of CPE records for
pharmacy technicians will begin with the
renewal cycle in the summer of calendar
year 2023. For more information, read
the Board's July 2022 Newsletter.
North Carolina Broadens Intraand
Inter-Pharmacy RMOP Rules
The North Carolina Board of Pharmacy
has completed rulemaking to amend Rule
.1816, now titled " Centralized Pharmacy
Services. " The amended rule broadens the
availability of remote medication order
processing (RMOP) arrangements among
pharmacies to all pharmacy practice types.
Rule .1816 addresses how to govern interpharmacy
RMOP arrangements and Rule
.2515 covers governing intra-pharmacy
RMOP arrangements. Any pharmacist who
provides RMOP services must either hold a
current North Carolina license to practice
pharmacy or participate in the NABP
Verify service before and at all times when
that pharmacist provides RMOP services.
To assist pharmacies transitioning to the
new RMOP requirements, Board staff has
prepared guidance documents. Read more
in the Board's July 2022 Newsletter.
Most articles published in State Board News are selected
from the newsletters of state boards that participate in
the NABP State Newsletter Program. Issues are posted on
the NABP website on each participating state's page.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Innovations-Magazine-October-2022

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