Session 4 THE THINK TANK Labor Issues: Attracting, Retaining, Developing employees, and Student employees Background The following slides were presented to the Think Tank participants as background information. Session 4 ATTRACTING AND RETAINING Labor Issues: Attracting, Retaining, and Developing Employees & Student Employees Front Line Employees Reaches a wide and diverse talent pool when recruiting to ensure all voices are heard Helps students from cultural backgrounds feel at home in dining commons Recruits and retains women in culinary leadership positions Considers international students' cultures when designing menus Recruits and retains people of color in culinary leadership posiitons Undertakes DEI initiatives Works with women-owned businesses Addresses food insecurity for themselves and/or colleagues Works with minority-owned businesses Only partners with vendors that have DEI initiatives Session 4 Labor Issues: Attracting, Retaining, and Developing Employees & Student Employees Front Line Employees 2 4 6 6.11 5.89 5.88 5.85 5.82 5.81 5.81 5.75 5.69 5.68 Receive annual cost of living pay adjustment WAGES Access pay through a digital app 100