Campus Dining 2030 and Beyond - 121

Top Controllable Barriers & How to Mitigate or Eliminate Them
The use of technology in the workplace serves an essential role in an organization's ability to overcome
operational challenges and improve upon them. However, it was noted that many college and university
foodservice employees do not have the requisite skillset to properly and confidently use those technologies.
To overcome this barrier, training initiatives were suggested. The first step is to have the technology provider
come to the campus to demonstrate the technology and its proper usage. The technology should be handed
to the staff, and they should be encouraged to interact with it, ask questions about it, and learn how it is
going to help them be more efficient and effective in their own roles. The company representative should then
train the trainer, or the individual who will be training the rest of the staff on how to use the technology.
From there, that individual should provide training on the technology, and highlight its ability to benefit the
employee. For example, if there is a scheduling application being employed, the trainer should
comprehensively explain how this new technology will influence the flexibility of schedules. Additionally,
training is an iterative process, and should be continuously revisited for the benefit of the employees.
Continuous training results in employees feeling more confident in using the technology, and ensuring they
are using it properly to realize the added benefits when additions or updates to the technology are made.
In addition to training, participants identified the need to constantly educate employees, university
members, and change-makers about the college or university foodservice technology vision. The most vital
component is to properly communicate the vision, and to ensure that it represents the organization as it, and
technology, will change over time. Thus, clearly communicating to lower and higher levels of
organizational players why these technologies are important and how they will help the organization
operate more efficiently and effectively must transpire.
To accomplish this, the first step is to identify internal champions to help advocate for and propagate the
vision and the technologies that will help support it. These internal champions should be tapped to help with
designing the success model for proper integration, employment and dissemination of the technologies
being used. A clear and cogent roadmap should be created to identify areas where there may be
discomfort with the technology adoption and usage, how these feelings can be overcome, and how the
technologies will ultimately make the work lives of those who use it better, more efficient and more
Session 5

Campus Dining 2030 and Beyond

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Campus Dining 2030 and Beyond

Campus Dining 2030 and Beyond - 1
Campus Dining 2030 and Beyond - 2
Campus Dining 2030 and Beyond - 3
Campus Dining 2030 and Beyond - 4
Campus Dining 2030 and Beyond - 5
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