STUDENTS AS CUSTOMERS All participants were asked to reply which offerings were most important to them and rank them in order of importance The ability to use personal technology while dining at school/on campus was ranked as the most important factor. Sitting with friends and the ability to socialize came second and third after the ability to use technology. Having automated options for checkout ranked higher and more important than having human checkout options, and convenience and portability of food at the detriment of food quality was ranked as the least important factor. Thus, technology use, charging, and socialization during the meal came out as the most important factors for all students. Students (both future and current) reported the highest preference for using robotic vending machine-style robots when human operated outlets had too long of a wait time. However, they also reported a preference for human prepared food over that of a robotic option. The next greatest preference among the options listed concerning the use of vending machine-style robots demonstrated that outside of normal operating hours, the students would use a self-checkout style or robotic vending option and that they would use a dining app that incorporated gamification to encourage healthy eating and lifestyle choices. This tells us that students still place value in human operated establishments, particularly with concern to food preparation, but that they will utilize technological resources to save time and to engage with a gamified concept. 28