METHODOLOGY A survey instrument hosted on the cloud-based Qualtrics platform was used to collect data. Using information gained from the focus group data and in line with the identified themes, the survey questions were developed. Each statement was assessed using a 7-point Likert scale where '1' represented the least importance and '7' represented the most importance for a given attribute. The participants were presently employed either part-time or full-time by a university's foodservice operators. As standard, practice questions between the sections were added as 'attention check' measures to ensure the participants were paying attention and giving accurate answers. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA Non-binary 4.8% Other 4.8% 21 3.2% 23 8.1% Male 22.6% 20 12.9% 27 1.6% 38 1.6% Female 67.8% 19 67.8% The survey participants were largely female workers (67.7%) compared to male workers (22.6%). 10% of About 92% of non-student employees who participants were either non-binary or opted not to mention their gender. 20% 40% 60% 0% participated in the survey fell between 19 and 23 years of age, with 67.7% being 19 years old. The rest of the participants belonged to age brackets of 27 years and older. 20 40 60 The survey participants were drawn The survey participants were considered a good crossfrom diverse ethnic backgrounds, such as African American (67.7%), White/Caucasian (19.4%), and others including Latinx/Hispanic and multiracial ethnicity. section of educational backgrounds. The majority of survey participants (67.7%) had associate or technical degrees. About 17.7% of participants identified themselves as having achieved some college but no degree, while only 6.7% had completed bachelor's or graduate degree programs. 57 African American Asian/Pacific Islander Latinx/Hispanic Two or more races White/Caucasian Prefer not to disclose Associates or technical degree Some college, but no degree High school diploma or GED Bachelor's degree Graduate or professional degree Prefer not to say