#4 P U R C H A S I N G LO C A L The origin of our food continues to be of great interest in dining operations across all sectors. Purchasing locally is increasingly becoming a standard of operation. Most operations implementing local purchasing start with a minimum goal of 20 percent. We recommend ongoing efforts to increase that percentage every year. Local purchasing efforts can be combined with campus-wide events such as farmers markets featuring local purveyors to stimulate student interest in the offerings. Another great method to generate student engagement is to create a method for students to suggest local farmers and other vendors for consideration. Featuring the inclusion of such vendors as a student-initiated relationship will contribute to community building efforts. #5 CO M M U N I T Y G A R D E N For those institutions with acreage or even a roof suitable for a garden, the development of a community garden that mixes " town and gown, " can be a great community building effort. The community garden can utilize student and community volunteers and serve to build a bridge between the institution and its local community. One institution we know of in the northeast successfully launched a Community Supported Agriculture program with over 600 community members. The six efforts we detail are meant to spark creative thinking among self-operators and vendor environments alike. Student engagement and participation in all of these efforts is the beginning point for creating successful initiatives that foster campus and community engagement. #6 C A M P U S E V E N T S Virtually every higher education institution has deeply rooted events involving food. Midnight Madness during finals week, pajama breakfasts, and the like create ongoing opportunities to connect with students, alumni, and donors. The combination of traditions and food continues to be an enduring and powerful force. The six efforts we detail above are meant to spark creative thinking among self-operators and vendor environments alike. Student engagement and participation in all of these efforts is the beginning point for creating successful initiatives that foster campus and community engagement. https://www.insidehighered.com/ news/2019/04/30/new-researchfinds-discrepancies-estimatesfood-insecurity-among-collegestudents#:~:text=The%20center%20 today%20released%20a,at%20123%20 colleges%20and%20universities. 1 Deepening Engag ement | CAMPUS DINING TODAY 21https://www.insidehighered.com/