HIGH It's also very important to understand what motivates your stakeholders. Knowing their ability to impact your organization is only half the battle. Knowing how they feel about you and your organization is equally important. When identifying where the stakeholder fits on your grid, simultaneously ask how healthy that relationship is. Some helpful questions might be: Power Manage Closely Athletics Physical Plant 1) What financial or emotional interest do they have in the outcome of my work? 2) What information or outcome do they need from me to be successful themselves? 3) What is their current opinion of your work and is it, in fact, true? 4) Do I need to work on this relationship so that it is there when we need it? Keep Informed Marketing & Communication LOW LOW Interest HIGH The answers to these questions will help assess how strong your needed relationships are. Harold Ramis, famed actor and director says, " Nothing reinforces a professional relationship more than enjoying success with someone. " Zig Ziglar (author, salesman, and speaker) may say it best: " You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want. " So, form the connections you need today. Cultivate them for whatever comes later. 26 CAMPUS DINING TODAY | Ti e s That Bind