DAVID R. PRENTKOWSKI DISTINGUISHED LIFETIME MEMBER AWARD C. DENNIS PIERCE Univers i ty of Connect i cut C. Dennis Pierce, past president of NACUFS and recipient of the Theodore W. Minah Distinguished Service Award, has more than four decades of leadership experience in the college foodservice arena. DEAN WRIGHT Brigham Young Univers i ty Dean Wright is a past NACUFS president and recipient of the Theodore W. Minah Distinguished Service Award, among many other distinguished accomplishments. The David R. Prentkowski Distinguished Lifetime Member Award honors individuals who have retired from a college or university foodservice leadership position or other position that has supported the betterment of college and university foodservices. DARYL VAN HOOK INDUSTRY AWARD TOM LYONS Johnson Lancaster & Associates Tom Lyons, longtime industry member, has been an endless supporter of NACUFS education and the efforts of volunteers. The Daryl Van Hook Industry Award recognizes an industry member for their outstanding support and service to NACUFS. INDIvIDUAL AWArDS | CAMPUS DINING TODAY 15 reTUrN TO TABLe OF CONTeNTS