2023 Retail Sales - Single Concept/Multiple Concepts/Marketplace Award Winners: GOLD SUNY at Buffalo, Campus Dining and Shops SILVER University of North Texas University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill BRONZE Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo Stevens Institute of Technology Rollins College The NACUFS Foundation board of directors is pleased to announce two NACUFS Foundation 2023 Clark e. DeHaven Scholarships. The Clark e. DeHaven Scholarship Trust was established in 1990 in honor of Clark e. DeHaven, NACUFS' first executive director. In 2020, the NACUFS Foundation was formed, and the trust was transferred to the Foundation. Since 1992, the NACUFS Clark e. DeHaven Scholarship has been awarded to 99 students, granting more than $400,000 in scholarship funds. GRACE SCHULER D R EXEL UNIVE R S I TY KATIE DRAFFKORN PURDUE UNIVE R S I TY DINING AWArDS | CAMPUS DINING TODAY 25 reTUrN TO TABLe OF CONTeNTS