CDT Summer 2022 - 10

it was great to get together in person at
the nACUFS 2022 national Conference.
For those unable to attend this year,
we look forward to your attendance
next year. For those in attendance, my
sincere thanks to you for making this
year's conference a huge success. i
have always believed that while great
programming and good speakers are
important ingredients for success, it
is the engagement and interaction
amongst attendees that truly make a
conference excellent.
My thanks also go to all our volunteers,
including the national Conference
task force and chair, Zia Ahmed with
the ohio State University, and the
speakers, regional ambassadors, culinary
challenge task force, and scores of
others who worked with our superb
professional staff and contributed to
what i hope was a rewarding experience
for all. i am especially grateful for the
opportunities i had to meet and speak
with many of those in attendance
whom i had not met before. i very much
appreciate the feedback, thoughts, and
insights related to the conference itself
and the association more broadly.
As i reflect on the conference, one
word comes to mind: opportunity.
it was an opportunity to reconnect,
reenergize, and reimagine. For those in
attendance, it was also an opportunity
to grow and learn. For nACUFS, it was
an opportunity to advance our mission
and strategy, and to showcase our core
Although there was a great lineup
of programming to advance one's
professional development and trigger
new thinking, it was also rewarding
to witness conversations taking place
outside the learning sessions throughout
the event. it is these conversations that
deliver the unmeasurable value that
no one speaker or panel can deliver. telling our
stories and sharing experiences is where true
growth occurs. i was taught long ago that the
only way to keep what you have is to give it away.
For those who attended, i hope the conversations
you had and the stories and experiences you
shared at the conference allowed you to grow
and learn.
For nACUFS itself, events like the national
Conference serve to deliver on our mission-to
support and promote excellence in collegiate
dining. the conference was an opportunity for
the organization to drive our strategy forward
to achieve that mission, especially relating to
our inclusivity and learning strategic priorities.
For example, we redesigned and expanded
educational programming, in part through our
experiential learning sessions, to strengthen our
learning and professional development offerings.
We were also intentional about creating a
more inclusive environment through widening
the scope of our offerings and expanding the
diversity of our presenters.
Further, the Spokane event provided an
opportunity for nACUFS to showcase its core
values: inclusiveness, continuous improvement,
critical thinking, integrity, and responsiveness. As
we look to strengthen the organization, it will be
important that we rely on our mission, strategy,
and core values to make sound decisions.
in closing, congratulations to all the award
winners, including dawn Aubrey, Ph.d., with
Chartwells on the campus of the University of
Minnesota - twin Cities, the recipient of nACUFS'
2022 theodore W. Minah distinguished Service
Award. it is always rewarding to recognize and
celebrate all those who embody professional
excellence in every aspect and who give back to
the industry for the betterment of all.

CDT Summer 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CDT Summer 2022

CDT Summer 2022 - 1
CDT Summer 2022 - 2
CDT Summer 2022 - 3
CDT Summer 2022 - 4
CDT Summer 2022 - 5
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CDT Summer 2022 - 10
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