THE FUTURE OF CAMPUS DINING While the pandemic was the catalyst for expanding mobile ordering, the new ideas and concepts the University of Rochester team implemented remain an integral part of their campus dining experience. What does the University of Rochester dining strategy look like in 2025? 1 2 mobile-ordering/ 3 mobile-ordering/ Schauf puts it simply, " i think we'll see an increase in touchless options, especially as it relates to payments. We'll probably explore kiosks and more digital communication. We're looking to find ways to continuously keep customers and students up-to-date on how long the line or wait time is. overall, we're continuing to focus on sustainability, all while making our operations more efficient by increasing our utilization of technology. " For the University of Rochester, the pandemic has proven that the future of campus dining is sustainable and streamlined, effectively providing students value far beyond social distancing. 24 CAMPUS DINING TODAY | USing tECHnoLogY to ModERniZE tHE CAMPUS dining EXPERiEnCE