Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today - 8

What a genuine pleasure to connect with
attendees at the NACUFS 2024 Spring Conference
Series earlier this year! I look forward to
gathering with still more of you again to enjoy the
exceptional networking and learning opportunities
available at our NACUFS 2024 National Conference
in Louisville this July. Each conversation I have
with members-whether on campus visits or at
NACUFS events-deepens my understanding of
and appreciation for the multifaceted and unique
college foodservice sector. In the same way, the
articles featured in this edition of Campus Dining
Today® reveal countless new insights into members'
diverse operations and endeavors. I am thrilled to
have the opportunity to share them with you here.
Business administration in the realm of campus
foodservice requires a delicate balance between
meeting and exceeding customers' needs and
expectations, while ensuring operational stability
and viability well into the future. At a time of
significant change across our industry, this
conversation could not be more important, and
I am constantly impressed by the remarkable
advancement our members continue to make
in this domain. Working collaboratively, I am
confident we will continue to raise the bar and
meet the challenges each new moment brings.
As you peruse these pages, note the exceptional
individuals and operations who are setting the
standard for our industry, and consider sending
along a story of your own for us to share as we
continue this ongoing discourse devoted to
excellence in campus foodservice.
A vital part of that discourse, which I am eagerly
anticipating, is our upcoming NACUFS 2024
National Conference in Louisville, Kentucky-a city
renowned for its culinary heritage and vibrant food
scene. This gathering promises to be unrivalled
in its opportunities to exchange ideas, make
connections, and reinvigorate perspectives on the
many different components and conversations
within campus foodservice. I hope to see you
In addition to our flagship event, I am delighted to
share that we are launching a brand-new culinary
conference that promises to revolutionize the
way we approach food and dining experiences on
college and university campuses.
NACUFS Inspire: A Culinary Conference will
provide an innovative platform for campus chefs
at all levels to showcase and learn the latest
trends, techniques, and tools shaping the culinary
landscape. Make plans now to attend from
Monday, December 16 to Wednesday, December
18 in Columbus, Ohio! We can't wait to welcome
collegiate chefs from across the country to join
us for this invaluable opportunity for insight and
Furthermore, I am thrilled to celebrate the recent
launch of the NACUFS Marketplace, an online
platform designed to connect vendors, suppliers,
and service providers with our on-campus
institutional members. This dynamic new space
will foster meaningful partnerships and enable
exciting innovation in the collegiate foodservice
Last but certainly not least, I am proud to
recognize new NACUFS Sustainability Resources
offered through a partnership between NACUFS
and the pioneering sustainability software
company MaetaData. This comprehensive
toolset is designed to empower our members
to embrace sustainable practices and reduce
their environmental footprint. The new suite of
sustainability measuring tools launched this spring
and is available at a variety of levels, ensuring
access for every budget.
Reflecting on the wealth of learning opportunities,
products, and events NACUFS is able to share
through the joint cooperation of this remarkable
community, I am deeply grateful for the
unwavering support and active engagement
of each of our members. Your ongoing
commitment enhances the vibrancy and success
of our association. Thank you for your passion,
dedication, and vision, which inspire us collectively
to reach new heights and make a meaningful
difference in our industry and the world. Together,
we will continue to shape the future of college and
university foodservice and make a lasting impact
on the communities we serve.

Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today

Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today - 1
Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today - 2
Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today - 3
Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today - 4
Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today - 5
Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today - 6
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Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today - 8
Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today - 9
Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today - 10
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Summer 2024 Campus Dining Today - 13
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