Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 12

If you start to be known as an
organization that says 'yes' to
these opportunities, you'd be
surprised at what falls into
your lap. - Paul Muscente, director of Cornell Dining
This became yet another way that
having a seat at the table provided
more than just great food on plates.
Dustin Freeley, assistant director
for residential dining, and Amadou
Fofana, area coordinator for housing
and residential life, connected one
day in May 2023 to chat about the
Discovery Kitchen, and how Cornell
Housing and Residential Life could
partner with Cornell Dining to offer an
introductory cooking course.
" We suggested conducting a class
that would include basic knife skills,
but also feature a common and
familiar ingredient-ramen, " said
Freeley, adding they would " work
to use additional ingredients to
customize this dish and make it more
of a simple, cost-effective, healthy,
robust meal. "
From this conversation, the culinary
team adapted a ramen bowl concept
that was already in development to
be presented as the showcase for this
series of events. In the inaugural class,
24 students were taught basic knife
skills, food preparation and storage,
and how to utilize simple ingredients
to introduce variety and flavor.
Prior to the kickoff, Fofana and his
team generated a survey to share with
residents of Ganędagą: Hall, adjacent
to Morrison Dining and the Discovery
Kitchen, asking for their feedback on dates,
maximum amount of time willing to spend at the
event, and questions related to culinary skills. The
ramen bowl concept was chosen specifically for its
familiarity to college students as a quick and easy
meal and for its ability to be easily replicated and
varied by substituting just a few items.
" One of the most gratifying departmental
experiences I have ever had was partnering with
residential life to help teach students not just how
to prepare food, but how to learn lifelong skills that
will support them in the future, " Freeley said.
While this work is " more than a meal, " the
foundation for cross-campus work is having a
program where students, faculty, visitors, and staff
experience high quality food consistently. The
training and development efforts of Cornell Dining
have led to dozens of opportunities for front-line
staff to engage outside of their daily work and
participate in the competitions mentioned earlier.
" As a culinarian, I consider myself very fortunate
to be able to combine the academic experience
with our program, because learning is a part of
what keeps our team engaged and nimble, " said
Executive Chef Ambarish Lulay.
Lulay, along with Senior Chef Joshua Holden, is
working to establish a cadence for these classes
going forward and looking for additional ways
to incorporate the team's work into the learning
environment surrounding it.
Outside of the Discovery Kitchen is a 21-foot-long,
stainless-steel dining table. When the work of
discovery is done, students and staff take off their
aprons, set down their plates, and gravitate toward
A new pilot program in
Cornell Dining's Discovery
Kitchen focuses on teaching
cooking skills, an initiative
co-led by members of Cornell
Dining and Cornell's Housing
and Residential Life Office.
(Photo by Kayla Goodwin/
Cornell University)

Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today

Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 1
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 2
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 3
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 4
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 5
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 6
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 7
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 8
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 9
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 10
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 11
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 12
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 13
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 14
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Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 24
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