Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 61

snack at Shenkman Market,
cashierless technology at
Frictionless Market, or a quick
coffee and breakfast at Bistro
or Buff & Brew (a play on GW's
school colors, buff and blue).
Also opening this fall will be a
more robust market, DH Market.
One of the areas that make
this transformation so robust
is GW's attention to detail
and commitment to finding
solutions for all students. All
of the dining halls include an
allergen friendly station known
as Pure Eats. With more than 40
percent of students with food
allergies experiencing severe
occurrences, according to Food
Allergy Research & Education
(FARE), being hyper focused on
allergens was a must.
Pure Eats is a station that avoids
gluten and the top nine food
allergens, per the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (shellfish,
fish, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat,
eggs, dairy, soy, and sesame).
This is the area where students
with various allergies, celiac
disease, or alternative food
preferences can go to dine. Pure
Eats supports food-inclusive
dining by offering options for
students with dietary restrictions
in the same dining hall, ensuring
all students feel valued and
included in the community GW
Dining is building around food.
No one eats without their friends
or has to go to a separate dining
hall. In the same dining space,
there is also an Avoiding Gluten
concept. This differs from Pure
Eats by allowing GW Dining to
expand the menu and include
seafood and soy-based vegan
and vegetarian options. Both
of these stations are overseen
by GW's FARE allergen-trained
staff and serve to the students
directly, as opposed to other self-serve
stations, to prevent cross-contamination.
The George Washington University
has also invested heavily in technology
throughout campus. Frictionless Market
is a cashierless convenience store that
allows students to shop 24-7. Students
download the Boost Mobile app and
connect their meal plan. Once the
account is up and running, students
simply walk into the space, tap in, shop,
and walk out. The technology scans their
items as they shop, and once they walk
out the door, the transaction is complete,
and their account is charged.
With Boost Mobile, students can preorder
a meal at any of GW's retail dining
locations from anywhere on campus and
pick it up as they transition to their next
location. The system will even remember
their previous order, which makes repeat
ordering a breeze. For those that wish
not to place a mobile order, ordering
kiosks allow students to skip the lines
and order the meal with the swipe of
a card. Their order number is given to
them and once their meal is done, the
system will send them a text notification
or their number will appear on one of
the digital displays.
These transformative changes were
done with the students in mind. To
ensure student voices remain front and
center, GW Dining established a GW
Dining Student Advisory Panel (SAP)
that meets monthly. This panel serves
as a bridge between students and GW
Dining. Students are able to provide
feedback and ideas about the future,
empowering them with a genuine voice
in the future of their dining program.
As a result of implementing this new
dining operation, GW students will now
be better able to build community,
focus on their studies, make life-long
connections, and-in true GW fashion-
change the world. ยง
The George Washington
University has also invested
heavily in technology
throughout campus. Frictionless
Market is a cashierless
convenience store that allows
students to shop 24-7. Students
download the Boost Mobile app
and connect their meal plan.
Once the account is up and
running, students simply walk
into the space, tap in, shop, and
walk out. The technology scans
their items as they shop, and
once they walk out the door, the
transaction is complete, and
their account is charged.

Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today

Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 1
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 2
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 3
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 4
Winter 2023 Campus Dining Today - 5
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