2022NovDecCoolingJournal - 17
more pressure on myself for wanting to strive to make my stepfather
and my family proud. "
Burton then took a break from cooling systems and
worked on a chicken farm, but that didn't quite pan out,
so Burton came back to the family business. And that's
when he was approached by Nick Slater to start their
own business. Thus, Chesapeake Cooling Solutions was
born in April 2021.
" We felt like we were a good match personally and
professionally, " said Nick Slater, Chesapeake Cooling
Solutions Co-owner and Sales Manager. " Each of us had
a ton of experience and attributes to bring to the table,
which created a great initial recipe for our short term
success. Ryan's ability to run, manage and scale the
daily inside operations were a great compliment to my
abilities to help outside sales, territory management, and
business development. Ryan runs a great defense, to my
great off ense. "
" At 42 years old, I kick myself for not just diving into the
business right out of high school, " said Burton. " But like
any other kid, you think the world is better elsewhere. I
should have just stayed where I was at. But I think it puts
Including Burton and Slater, Chesapeake Cooling Solutions has seven
employees. The Centreville, Maryland based company's clientele
includes the Eastern shore of Maryland and stretches to Baltimore,
Annapolis, Washington DC, and to Delaware. Its services include thermal
parts repair service, re-coring, ultrasonic cleaning of after-coolers for
the marine industry, custom hydraulic hose assembly, custom antique
radiator solutions, box units, and some metal fabrication.
" Pretty much anything that keeps an engine cool, we'll agree to fi x, "
said Slater. " A big part of our business is the marine and industrial
markets. We've started to open up new departments with electrical and
diesel parts. We're getting into turbos, batteries, starters, alternators.
And we're trying to introduce more to a pre-existing customer base
so we can grow organically and not exhaust our resources and spread
ourselves too thin. "
There are of course challenges with any company, but it's especially
tough when a new business is growing too fast.
" Chesapeake Cooling Solutions has had some growing pains in its fi rst
1.5 years in business, " said Slater. " We keep laying down more and more
groundwork every quarter to handle more revenue and more customers
coming in. We have had to buy more vehicles, hardware, tools, and even
added a major addition to our facility. Going into 2023, we feel we are
positioned very well to acquire more market share and continue our
These after-coolers that were cleaned for a customer in the marine industry.
November/December 2022 | THE COOLING JOURNAL | 15
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2022NovDecCoolingJournal
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2022NovDecCoolingJournal - 2
2022NovDecCoolingJournal - 3
2022NovDecCoolingJournal - 4
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