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NARSA/IDEA Celebrates 70 Years
As we celebrate 70 years of NARSA, we are looking back through all of our old photos.
Do you have any memories of NARSA you'd like to share? Contact linda@narsa.org!
In 1962, a prospector and his donkey
helped promote NARSA's convention in
Los Angeles. The " mining for gold " theme
would emerge again in later years.
In 1979, ChromalloyLiberty
Radiator's trade
show booth in Houston
featured " Dallas Cowgirls. "
Newly-elected NARSA
President Don Hart
featured on the cover of
the May 1998 issue of the
Cooling Journal.
Roger Gauquie (Former
Northern Radiator
President/CEO) and
Hope Thompson (Current
Northern Radiator
President/CEO) circa 2003
Back in 1969, more than 700 people
attended the convention held at the
Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas. It was NARSA's
second trip to the playground oasis in the
Nevada desert. Key educational sessions
featured a report on research into soldering
and soldered joints presented by Don Miner
of the Copper Development Association; a
discussion of fi eld performance of factoryinstalled
antifreeze in passenger cars
(which was still something pretty new at
the time) by H.J. " Herb " Hannigan of Union
Carbide; and " Forty Merchandising Ideas
That Worked, " presented by several NARSA
The Story Behind This Photo:
" Flash back to the mid 80s and 90s,
NARSA was made up of 6 regions:
Northeast, Southeast, West, Southwest,
Central, and Canadian regions. They were
all governed by a Board of Directors and
offi cers. They also had a president of each
region and the national president. We had
an executive board of 12 people. It was
a total nightmare! After I was Western
Region President, I became the national
2nd VP. George Farner was president at
the time and came up with this idea that
we should have a membership drive in
the mid-90s. So we went out and did a
couple of drives. We were bouncing around 1,200 or 1,300 members at the time. During that
process, I challenged the regional presidents- if they didn't reach the membership goal,
they'd have to kiss a pig. Well, they didn't go for that, and our president didn't go for that.
So, then I volunteered! If we reach our membership goal of 2,000 members, I told them that
I'll kiss a pig. Suddenly, everyone got on board! That membership drive went on for about 6
months and right into the national convention. They crushed the goal with more than 2,100
members. At this point, I didn't realize that they had hired a lady to dress up like Miss Piggy.
Up until this event, I was expecting a real pig. So when Miss Piggy came out, I got a big ole
smacker from her. She had a pig nose on and there was a lot of lipstick. Those were great
years. We had 8-10 years of some of the most successful years that the association ever
saw. " - Dave Doll
Dave Doll, Don Hart, Jim Butitta, Guy
Snyder, Joe Fels in 1996
20 | THE COOLING JOURNAL | November/December 2024
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024NovDec-CJ
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