2024NovDec-CJ - 34
Another Successful AAPEX as NARSA Celebrates 70 Years
By: Nathan Ingrao, NARSA Executive Assistant
FOR AS LONG AS I have been involved
in NARSA/IDEA, AAPEX week has been
one of my favorites. It also happens to
be one of the busiest weeks of the year.
I don't think I'm alone in this, but to me,
the week provides a wide variety of
feelings and emotions. All of the time and
effort spent preparing for a week such as
this - will it all go to plan? Pushing through
a grueling schedule of meetings or booth
assignments. The nostalgia of returning to
such a familiar place with familiar people
- will it be better than last year? And of
course exhaustion, running from meeting
to meeting, late nights, early mornings
- it's a rough week, but one that you can
accomplish so much in.
For the NARSA team attending AAPEX
this year, we put a big focus on connecting
with members past and present, actively
recruiting new members, collaborating
with our Board Members, and of course
holding our two AAPEX week events; the
Seekins/O'Connor Golf Challenge and our
annual Member Appreciation Reception.
With this year being my first in an official
NARSA/IDEA capacity, it was certainly a
learning experience above all else.
Seekins/O'Connor Golf Challenge
The golf challenge this year was held at
Rio Secco Golf Course in Henderson, NV.
Twenty-four NARSA/IDEA members took
to the tee boxes on that Monday with the
hopes to claim their place amongst past
winners. The course featured fantastic
views of the Las Vegas Strip as well
as a challenging collection of narrow,
rock-lined fairways which provided ample
opportunities for a novice golfer like me
to " misplace " my tee shot - I for one was
very thankful for the extra balls provided
by the course and our gracious sponsors.
It was a very fun day and if you have not
participated in the past, I would certainly
encourage you to sign up for next year,
regardless of skill level.
I was fortunate enough to be paired up
with NARSA past president, Don Hart. In
between his gentle ribbing of my golf game,
we had some really great discussions about
NARSA/IDEA's past and talked quite a bit
about the future. Hearing these stories
and learning from the past about our
organization is something I really enjoy, and
it helps to inform future decisions.
Mark your calendars! Next year's Golf
Challenge will take place on November 3,
2025. We had an overwhelming response
to the Golf Challenge this year, so next
year we will be increasing the number of
golfers to ensure anyone that does want to
participate can. Register early to reserve
your spot!
Member Appreciation Reception
The 2024 Member Appreciation Reception
was a resounding success. It was great
to see 150+ of our members coming
together in camaraderie and celebration.
I really enjoyed seeing all of the attendees
catching up with old friends, continuing
to develop relationships and forging new
ones. I was able to have some really great
conversations with members there as
well as help facilitate meetings with some
potential new members that were invited
to see what we are all about.
32 | THE COOLING JOURNAL | November/December 2024
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024NovDec-CJ
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