2024NovDec-CJ - 4

Reflecting on the Last 2 Years as NARSA President
FOR CLOSE TO 12 YEARS, I have had
the pleasure to sit alongside many of
the brightest minds in our industry:
manufacturers, distributors, and radiator
repair shop owners working from a single
bay on up to repair facilities with multiple
branches across state lines, and all the while
learning how to work within an association
whose goal is to better the industry for us
all. When I first joined the NARSA's Board of
Directors in 2012 as a committee member,
I was certainly a fish out of water, fresh out
of college trying to make an impression on
those within the industry. Thankfully, I was
fortunate enough to follow behind the lead
that my family has set over the last several
decades as NARSA members.
As many of you may know, my father,
Chuck Braswell, and grandfather,
was immediately welcomed by several of
the long-standing board members. The
warm welcoming could have certainly
been propagated by my dad, but I like to
think that it was due to my eagerness to
jump in and help in any avenue possible.
This year, coming back from AAPEX as
my last event as president, has helped me
reflect on how generations before me have
taken the oath of office. The swearing in of
officers, a tradition normally fulfilled by past
presidents, reciting the oath under which
our association was formed.
" I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully
execute the duties of the Office, to which I
was elected in NARSA, and I will to the best
of my ability, serve as a living example of
this Organization's philosophy and beliefs,
so help me God. "
Bryan Braswell
NARSA/IDEA President 2022-2024
fulfilled their duties in office, to continue
to take their oath seriously, serving as a
living example of NARSA's philosophy;
to create One Idea, One Opportunity and
One Connection for your business.
Linwood Braswell, instilled the belief in
me that involvement with NARSA, as a
trade association and networking tool, is
imperative to the long-term success of our
company. Fortunately for me, they were
right. As our 97-year-old family business
inches closer to the centennial mark, I am
continuously blessed by those around me
with ideas, tools, and connections that have
paid dividends to our family business. I
joined the NARSA Board of Directors and
I find it fitting that the former NARSA
President (Randy Lalonde) that swore
me in 9 years ago is the same face that
swore me in during our 2024 Membership
Appreciation Reception at the timeless
Harrah's Tahoe Ballroom in Las Vegas. It is
not only fitting that he served alongside my
father during the heyday of NARSA, but that
he is still participating in our organization
as an active and dedicated member. It
takes members like Mr. Lalonde, who have
2 | THE COOLING JOURNAL | November/December 2024
Looking across the room, the same
familiar faces that were in attendance 12
years ago are many of the same faces
that gathered at this event today, each of
which continue to support NARSA due
to the benefits that it provides them and
their businesses. I personally have gained
an immense amount of knowledge from
this board seat that I am forever grateful
for. I have served alongside legends of
the radiator world, NARSA Hall of Famers,
Engineers, CEOs, even Canadians and
Cajuns. Each one of these people has
brought something to our association
that leaves it better than they found it.
Each of these board members has left
an impact on our association, and it is
because of those who dedicate their time,
efforts, and expertise that NARSA not
only exists, but thrives as an international
forum for the heat transfer industry.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024NovDec-CJ

2024NovDec-CJ - 1
2024NovDec-CJ - 2
2024NovDec-CJ - 3
2024NovDec-CJ - 4
2024NovDec-CJ - 5
2024NovDec-CJ - 6
2024NovDec-CJ - 7
2024NovDec-CJ - 8
2024NovDec-CJ - 9
2024NovDec-CJ - 10
2024NovDec-CJ - 11
2024NovDec-CJ - 12
2024NovDec-CJ - 13
2024NovDec-CJ - 14
2024NovDec-CJ - 15
2024NovDec-CJ - 16
2024NovDec-CJ - 17
2024NovDec-CJ - 18
2024NovDec-CJ - 19
2024NovDec-CJ - 20
2024NovDec-CJ - 21
2024NovDec-CJ - 22
2024NovDec-CJ - 23
2024NovDec-CJ - 24
2024NovDec-CJ - 25
2024NovDec-CJ - 26
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2024NovDec-CJ - 30
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