2024NovDec-CJ - 6

AAPEX 2024
NARSA/IDEA Celebrates 70 Years at
2024 Member Appreciation Reception
IT WAS A CELEBRATION to remember as
members gathered in Las Vegas on the
evening of November 5 at Harrah's Lake
Tahoe room to mark the association's 70th
birthday during the 2024 NARSA/IDEA
Member Appreciation Reception.
" Vegas is in an exciting time, something
I look forward to every year, " said Scot
Johnson of American Radiator in Des
Moines, Iowa. " And the main reason is
the people, the connections you have.
We have friends in the business. We
have manufacturers who come from all
parts of the world. This is a great time to
strengthen those relationships, learn new
opportunities within the market you're in. "
More than 160 people from all over the
world attended this year's Member
Appreciation Reception. " It's hard to get
everybody in one place at one time, " said
Scot Johnson. " I have friends on the West
Coast and the East Coast and Canada,
and it's great to see everybody come
together and share stories, support one
another, and help each other survive and
strive during these difficult times. NARSA
and AAPEX is a fantastic opportunity.
If you haven't taken advantage of that
opportunity, I suggest you do next year. "
Brothers Steve and Clif Coffey of Therm
Processes were also in attendance. " We
love NARSA. We've been coming for
years, " said Steve. " A big part of our sales
By: Linda Nguyen Skoglund,
Communications Director
is because of NARSA. There are a lot of
customers that attend these events, a lot of
wonderful people. "
" The Member Appreciation Reception is
full of people that work on radiators, That's
what we like. We've made a lot of good
friends over the years, a lot of interesting
people, " said Clif. " It's a wonderful
opportunity for people in the industry to
learn and to fellowship and meet suppliers. "
" And we've met their children and
grandchildren now! " Steve added. " We
first started attending NARSA events in the
early 1970s, so we go back a long way with
NARSA, " said Steve. " It's been wonderful
for us. "
Troy Beebe of Emission & Cooling
Solutions in Nashville says he came to
Las Vegas for the Member Appreciation
Reception and AAPEX to make
4 | THE COOLING JOURNAL | November/December 2024


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024NovDec-CJ

2024NovDec-CJ - 1
2024NovDec-CJ - 2
2024NovDec-CJ - 3
2024NovDec-CJ - 4
2024NovDec-CJ - 5
2024NovDec-CJ - 6
2024NovDec-CJ - 7
2024NovDec-CJ - 8
2024NovDec-CJ - 9
2024NovDec-CJ - 10
2024NovDec-CJ - 11
2024NovDec-CJ - 12
2024NovDec-CJ - 13
2024NovDec-CJ - 14
2024NovDec-CJ - 15
2024NovDec-CJ - 16
2024NovDec-CJ - 17
2024NovDec-CJ - 18
2024NovDec-CJ - 19
2024NovDec-CJ - 20
2024NovDec-CJ - 21
2024NovDec-CJ - 22
2024NovDec-CJ - 23
2024NovDec-CJ - 24
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