2024NovDec-CJ - 8
AAPEX 2024
Rick Swineford from Merle's Radiator in
Oklahoma also stopped by the Member
Appreciation Reception to see old friends.
" My dad was in NARSA back in the 70s,
and I started going to events in the 80s. We
had regional conventions back then. We
had a lot of good times, and that's when
we learned a lot about radiators and from
the people who sold products. That's how
we kept on surviving. My dad started our
company in 1953, but we weren't in the
radiator business until the 1960s. "
Margrét Ingibergsdóttir of Grettir
Vatnskassar in Iceland came to Las Vegas
with her husband Bjarki and her brother
Helgi Stefán Ingibergsson. They've been
a NARSA member for about 25 years and
have been to roughly 15 different NARSA
events over the years. " The reason why I
came to the NARSA Member Appreciation
Reception is because I like meeting new
people, and I want to get new information
to strengthen our company. " When asked
why it's important to maintain relationships
within NARSA, Margret said, " Being
overseas, it's hard to get things that we
need. Everybody in NARSA is so willing to
help us find things that it helps us a great
deal. You get the knowledge from others
about what they're doing. We are the only
radiator shop in Iceland. We do re-coring.
We have new radiators, filler necks,
universal hoses, heat blowers. We are so
isolated in Iceland, so we would come here
to source suppliers. "
6 | THE COOLING JOURNAL | November/December 2024
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024NovDec-CJ
2024NovDec-CJ - 1
2024NovDec-CJ - 2
2024NovDec-CJ - 3
2024NovDec-CJ - 4
2024NovDec-CJ - 5
2024NovDec-CJ - 6
2024NovDec-CJ - 7
2024NovDec-CJ - 8
2024NovDec-CJ - 9
2024NovDec-CJ - 10
2024NovDec-CJ - 11
2024NovDec-CJ - 12
2024NovDec-CJ - 13
2024NovDec-CJ - 14
2024NovDec-CJ - 15
2024NovDec-CJ - 16
2024NovDec-CJ - 17
2024NovDec-CJ - 18
2024NovDec-CJ - 19
2024NovDec-CJ - 20
2024NovDec-CJ - 21
2024NovDec-CJ - 22
2024NovDec-CJ - 23
2024NovDec-CJ - 24
2024NovDec-CJ - 25
2024NovDec-CJ - 26
2024NovDec-CJ - 27
2024NovDec-CJ - 28
2024NovDec-CJ - 29
2024NovDec-CJ - 30
2024NovDec-CJ - 31
2024NovDec-CJ - 32
2024NovDec-CJ - 33
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