2024NovDec-CJ - 9

AAPEX 2024
Don Hart of Don Hart's Radiator in Texas
came with his wife Betty, his son Thomas,
and his great-nephew Tanner to Las Vegas.
" Even though AAPEX / SEMA is great,
the opportunity to meet with friends and
peers is the main reason we come to Las
Vegas each year, " said Don Hart. " A lot
of our vendors are here, and we can put
people's faces to a voice or email. It helps
take/make business on a personal level. I
have been a member of NARSA since 1987,
sat on boards, helped bring in members,
met lots of people and shared many ideas,
thoughts, meals and good times together,
but the personal contacts that I have made
over the years are the most important. I
have several dozen peers that I talk to often,
not necessarily about business, but about
family, hobbies, and what's going on in their
lives. Frankly my business would not be
where it is today without NARSA. "
The Harts also participated in the annual
Seekins/O'Connor Golf Challenge. " In the
golf outing, I am able to share a cart, golf
game, and valuable time with my friends and
peers. There is always talk about business,
family, and where a person has been and
is going in life in general. This year in
particular, on my golf team, I got to share a
cart and visit with Nathan Ingrao and share
ideas about the association and the direction
we are going, learn about his life and family
and what his ideas are for NARSA. Also, he
asked about my history and my thoughts
on NARSA and my thoughts on the cooling
business in general. "
When asked what he would say to anyone
who is unsure about joining NARSA, Don
Hart said, " Why would anyone be on the
fence about being a part of an organization
of peers that will aid in building, growing,
and maintaining your business? If someone
is on the fence, they just need to experience
this group one time, meet people, get
involved. Your reward will be many times
over the effort you put into it. Promise! I will
tell the 'on the fence people' you will NOT
find a source that is willing to share ideas
more than this source- NONE! "
November/December 2024 | THE COOLING JOURNAL | 7


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024NovDec-CJ

2024NovDec-CJ - 1
2024NovDec-CJ - 2
2024NovDec-CJ - 3
2024NovDec-CJ - 4
2024NovDec-CJ - 5
2024NovDec-CJ - 6
2024NovDec-CJ - 7
2024NovDec-CJ - 8
2024NovDec-CJ - 9
2024NovDec-CJ - 10
2024NovDec-CJ - 11
2024NovDec-CJ - 12
2024NovDec-CJ - 13
2024NovDec-CJ - 14
2024NovDec-CJ - 15
2024NovDec-CJ - 16
2024NovDec-CJ - 17
2024NovDec-CJ - 18
2024NovDec-CJ - 19
2024NovDec-CJ - 20
2024NovDec-CJ - 21
2024NovDec-CJ - 22
2024NovDec-CJ - 23
2024NovDec-CJ - 24
2024NovDec-CJ - 25
2024NovDec-CJ - 26
2024NovDec-CJ - 27
2024NovDec-CJ - 28
2024NovDec-CJ - 29
2024NovDec-CJ - 30
2024NovDec-CJ - 31
2024NovDec-CJ - 32
2024NovDec-CJ - 33
2024NovDec-CJ - 34
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