Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 35
Regional Aircraft & Scope Clause Impact panel moderated by Mary Ellen S. Jones, vice president,
commercial engines sales, Asia/Pacific & China, Pratt & Whitney. Speakers: Gregory W. Alberts,
senior vice president, global leasing & asset management, Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation;
Giovanni Tramparulo, Sales Finance Advisor, SuperJet International S.p.A.; Mark H. Neely, vice
president of sales & marketing, ATR; and Joel T. Raymond, executive vice president, CommutAir.
Smaller Aircraft Manufacturers moderated by Robert
Agnew, president and chief executive officer, morten
beyer & agnew. Speakers: Ross Mitchell, vice president,
business acquisition, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft;
and John Slattery, chief commercial officer, Embraer
Commercial Aviation.
Large Aircraft Manufacturers speakers: John Leahy, chief
operating officer - customers, Airbus and Randy Tinseth,
vice president of marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
Engine Manufacturers panel moderated by Olga Razzhivina, Senior ISTAT Appraiser, Oriel. Speakers:
Jean-Paul Ebanga, president and chief executive officer, CFM International; Jason Brewer, general
manager commercial engines marketing, GE Aviation; Rick Deurloo, senior vice president, sales &
marketing - commercial engines, Pratt & Whitney; and James Barry, senior vice president customer
strategy & marketing, Rolls-Royce.
Daniel J. Pietrzak, ISTAT
Americas committee member
and managing director of
aircraft transactions, Delta
Air Lines, Inc.
Freighter and Conversion Panel moderated by Douglas B. Kelly, senior vice president - asset valuation,
AVITAS, Inc. Speakers: Robert T. Convey, senior vice president - sales & marketing, Aeronautical
Engineers, Inc.; Daniel da Silva, vice president, modification & conversion services, Boeing
Commercial Airplanes; Brian C. McCarthy, vice president, sales, Precision Aircraft Solutions; and
Wolfgang A. Schmid, vice president of sales, marketing & customer support, EFW.
Tony Diaz, ISTAT Americas
committee member and
president, CIT Aerospace.
Adam Pilarski, PhD, senior
vice president, AVITAS, Inc.,
presents an overview of the
Mary Prettyman, ISTAT
Americas chair and vice
president sales - Americas,
Pratt & Whitney.
ISTAT Management: Foundation, Appraiser and Finance Update moderated by Jep Thornton, ISTAT president and partner, Aerolease Aviation, LLC. Speakers:
Todd Freeman, ISTAT Foundation chairman and senior vice president, GE Capital Aviation Services; Douglas W. Runte, ISTAT treasurer and managing director,
securitization and high yield research, Deutsche Bank; Phil Seymour, chairman, Board of Governors ISTAT International Appraisers' Program, and president &
chief operating officer, IBA Group, Ltd.; and Marc S. Allinson, ISTAT vice president and executive director, Charlotte Parker.
Jetrader  *  Summer 2015 35
Jetrader - Summer 2015
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Jetrader - Summer 2015
A Message from the President
Q&A: Raymond Sisson, Chief Executive Officer and President, AWAS
Customer Service and the Passenger Experience
State of the Regions: Asia
ISTAT Asia Draws Record Attendance
Thank You from the ISTAT Foundation
ISTAT Americas 2015
The Top 5 Reasons to Visit Prague
Aviation History
Aircraft Appraisals
ISTAT Foundation
Advertiser Index
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - cover1
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - cover2
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 3
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 4
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 5
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 6
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - A Message from the President
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 8
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 9
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - Calendar/News
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 11
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - Q&A: Raymond Sisson, Chief Executive Officer and President, AWAS
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 13
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 14
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 15
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - Customer Service and the Passenger Experience
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 17
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 18
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 19
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - State of the Regions: Asia
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 21
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - ISTAT Asia Draws Record Attendance
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 23
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 24
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 25
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 26
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 27
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 28
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - Thank You from the ISTAT Foundation
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - ISTAT Americas 2015
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 31
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 32
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 33
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 34
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 35
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 36
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 37
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - The Top 5 Reasons to Visit Prague
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 39
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - Aviation History
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 41
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 42
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 43
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 44
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - Aircraft Appraisals
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 46
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 47
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - ISTAT Foundation
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - 49
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - Advertiser Index
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - cover3
Jetrader - Summer 2015 - cover4