MysToRE retailer's Guide Vol. 11.1: mARketing A p u b l i c At i o n o f The Voice of Independent Retail in Canada TIps To MaRkET oN a BudgET part 1 of 2 dIgITal ouTREach BY RoBeRT PRiCe f or many independent retailers, limited time and curtailed budgets constrain grand marketing plans and good intentions. These retailers lose the ability to speak for themselves in the marketplace. "You have a brand, whether you like it or not," says Suzie Sykes, owner of Catapult Marketing, a boutique agency in edmonton. "People are talking about your brand. it's your job to own the brand and engage people." Marketing doesn't have to be expensive or overblown but it does need to capitalize and clarify a store's brand. This two-part Retailer's Guide looks at how to market better on a budget so you can capitalize on the many opportunities to build relations with your customers. This issue, we look at digital marketing opportunities. social media marketing Social media marketing is old hat now, but a surprising number of independent retailers are still shy about venturing into this media. Here are some tips to consider when thinking social. Winter 2015 | caNadIaN RETaIlER | 23