SHOWROOMING 6% Showroomers Per cent of shoppers by product category who showroomed 12% Electronics 12% Luxury ALL SHOPPERS 6% Kids Apparel 6% Shoes Across all product categories, showroomers are much more likely to make their next purchase online 5% Adult Apparel 5% Home Décor Showroomers, those who visited a store and ended up buying online, represent 6% of all shoppers (globally) 33% Plan to buy next purchase online 4% Personal Beauty 4% Personal Health Per cent of showroomers planning their next purchase to be online 74% Luxury 71% Adult Apparel 66% Kids Apparel ALL SHOWROOMERS 65% Electronics 63% Home Décor 61% Personal Health On average, 33% of Canadian Showroomers plan to buy online for their next purchase 58% Personal Beauty 58% Shoes Shoppers want retailers to provide personalized promotions and recommend relevant items INTEREST IN RETAILER OFFERS 43% Use my prior purchasing to offer me promotions 29% Use my prior purchasing to recommend new products 29% Invite me to events 23% Involve me in new product ideas Growing awareness of new shopping concepts provide more ways to connect with your customers INTEREST IN RETAIL CONCEPTS 30% Check into a kiosk to get offers 26% Create a "virtual closet" online 25% Create a "virtual me" online 25% See reviews from other purchasers 25% Sign up for an appt. with an in-store stylist/expert 22% Expert Advice Shoppers are willing to do the initial work, but it’s up to retailers to maintain personalization over the long term Nearly 9 out of 10 shoppers are willing to put in time with a retailer to set-up preferences, with the expectation that offers and communications will be personalized. The average time willing to spend in setup is 20 minutes. 22% Visit a "virtual store" while online 19% Rate products as favourites 19% Rate promotions from the retailer 14% Download a "how to buy" e-brochure or app But 60% of shoppers will not revisit those preferences more than once a month. 10% "Chat with a stylist" offer while online | spring 2013 | canadian retailer | 7