801190_OMNI.indd 1 4/15/16 6:09 PM Advertise in Canadian Retailer and put your company in front of all of the key decision-makers within Canada's most powerful industry. Find out more about Canadian Retailer at www.retailcouncil.org/research/ publications. For advertising information call (800) 665-2456. Looking to market your brand to Canadian retailers? WE'VE GOT OPTIONS FOR YOU! Advertising in our bi-monthly magazine, Canadian Retailer, puts you directly in front of Canada's leading retail decision makers. With both print and digital editions, we have options to get you noticed. Display advertising - Your message will be included in both the print and digital editions. Digital ad placement - Prominently display your message on the digital edition landscape. Direct Mail - Include your marketing piece in the clear plastic bag in which the magazine ships. These options can also be digitized! Exclusive! Heavy Stock Insert - Ensures your message stands out by being printed on heavy stock ck paper. Advertorial - Include content on a subject that is of interest to Canadian Retailer readers including text, images, your company logo and branding. As Canada's only national, authoritative retail publication, Canadian Retailer puts advertisers in front of the industry that is the driving force of the Canadian economy. For more information on how you can get involved, contact: KIM DAVIES | Project Manager, Naylor Association Solutions (204) 975-0423 | kdavies@naylor.com or view the media kit here: naylornetwork.com/webkits/PDFs/rets.pdf www.retailcouncil.org/cdnretailer RET-S0615 HP_FillerAd_CanadianRetailers_MKG.indd 1 SUMMER 2016 | CANADIAN RETAILER 13/10/15 4:06 pm | 11http://www.omnieddi.com http://www.retailcouncil.org/research/ http://www.naylornetwork.com/webkits/PDFs/rets.pdf http://www.retailcouncil.org/cdnretailer