the Future oF buying in canada A study recently conducted by GfK focused on shopping trends and behaviours among Canadian consumers. The FutureBuy 2014 report found that Canadian consumers are increasingly integrating all of the channels and devices at their disposal to inform their shopping decisions omnichAnnel Shopping by cAtegory: $ Financial Services US cross-category avg.: 44% Home improvement CANADA cross-category avg.: 32% Food & Beverage Cleaning Beauty & Personal lawn & Healthcare Garden Services Meals at Restaurant oTCs 14% 14% 11% 10% Toys 17% apparel 43% 43% Home Mobile appliances Devices auto 59% 49% 47% 45% 56% Consumer electronics 33% 25% 19% brick And mortAr verSuS online: Bricks and Mortar Online shOpping aCtivity by deviCe online advantage Online advantage bRiCks and mORtaR "See and feel before buying" 53% 8% "Easier" "Get product sooner" 12% "Faster" 37% "Can buy other things at same time" 26% 36% "Routinely shopping there already" 23% 33% "Let's me support local businesses" 26% 6% "Is a more social experience" 4% 17% 68% 25% 57% 25% 50% 13% "Hassel-free returns" "Save money" 50 % 32% "Better selection" 20 % Home computer 12% 8% 10% Smartphone Work computer Tablet gOing mObile 45% 42% "Better delivery options" 10 % 28% "Already have account set up" 7% 27% "Better information" 16% 21% "Better payment options" 11% 18% The use of mobile devices among leading edge consumers in Canada (those who are early adopters of mobile technology and avid shoppers) is increasing. 69% 55% 58% Say that their mobile device is quickly becoming their most important shopping tool. Make mobile payments whenever possible. are planning to make more mobile payments in the next twelve months. a compelling brand story Canadians favour retailers with strong, consistent brands that offer one-stop shopping, PwC Total Retail report finds: 50%+ more than half of Canadian consumers surveyed say that they shop at 5 or fewer of the top 30 retailers in Canada. 97% of multichannel shopper consumers shop at less than 5, 49% of whom shop at 2 to 5 retailers and 48% shop with just 1. stRength Of the bRand The report found that strong brands with varied selection often make the strongest connection with the consumer. 83% favour a retailer because they trust the brand. 49% are lured by interesting marketing. retailer because 78% choose athe store, location they like or staff. 34% cite engaging social media that demonstrates understanding of the consumer tOp 5 RetaileRs and bRands favOuRed by Canadians The report found that strong brands with varied selection often make the strongest connection with the consumer. 2013 1. Walmart 2. Canadian Tire 3. Costco 4. Chapters indigo 5. Future Shop/Best Buy 2012 1. Future Shop/Best Buy 2. Chapters indigo 3. Canadian Tire 4. Walmart 5. apple holiday 2014 | canadian retailer | 7