z Frédéric Dalsace z Oliver Gottschalg z Charles-Henri Besseyre des Horts research THESE ARTICLES ABOUT The following articles have been financed by the HEC Foundation, whose main role is to support HEC’s research activities. research@hec will present managers with articles based on those written by HEC’s professors and published in the finest scientific journals. Academic jargon will be avoided, and readers will need no prior knowledge of related literature or modelization. research@hec is written by Business Digest, the European magazine whose articles help leaders understand everything about their corporate environment and its evolution. www.hec.fr/fondation (in French) fondation@hec.fr www.hec.edu research@hec.fr hec No. 1 • February-March 2008 In this issue: II – ‘What Does Management Research Achieve?’ by Marc Vanhuele and François Séguineau III – ‘Harry Potter Marketing’, Frédéric Dalsace V – ‘Capital Investment: Myth and Reality’ by Oliver Gottschalg and Ludovic Phalippou VII – ‘Mobile Companies’ by Charles-Henri Besseyre des Horts
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of research@hec - Issue#1