Elie Matta THESE ARTICLES research Marco Tortoriello Research@hec presents managers with articles based on publications by HEC's professors. Academic jargon is avoided, and readers need no prior knowledge of related literature or modelization. This publication is financed by the HEC Foundation, whose role is to support HEC's research activities. The articles are written by Business Digest, the European magazine that specializes in worldwide and European leadership and management issues. Any comments, criticisms, and suggestions that you may have are welcome at research@hec.fr www.hec.fr/fondation (French language) fondation@hec.fr www.hec.edu II – Research at HEC: My Opinion III – Why CEOs Nearing Retirement are Averse to Risk Governance Certification V – Building Innovation by Strengthening Bridges VII – Rating agencies and firms: the attribution of ratings property rights ABOUT In this issue: No. 6 • December - January 2009 Eloïc Peyrache hec z z z
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of research@hec - Issue #6