Let’s talk layouts - Issue #2 - March 2014 - (Page 116)

On trend... Wood on our layouts Topic treated marvellously by Prisca Jockovic in our edition 31, four years ago, wood on our layouts is now more on trend than ever. With varied forms, words, salvaged materials, our Design Team has been very inspired. by Gaëlle Fauglas, Stéphanie Leschiera, Nina Ostermann, Prisca Jockovic and Ula Kopciewska Trees in winter: happiness and melancholy... The wintry bouquet that Stephanie created - with frosted flowers with a blue center, brings irresistibly to mind what is going on in the undergrowth and the garden from mid-January onwards in this winter of 2014, so mild in Europe up to now, but things are changing, it seems!... Be aware. Spring is already on the way, in a bough which changes shade, in the bark which becomes more shiny and slippery, in a bud which swells, a catkin which unfurls. The birch shyly begins to stretch out its own at the end of its spindly branches. The terminal bud of pines makes its bed in the nest of bright green needles; the lime tree "with its little leaves" adorns its buds with a rich wine color whereas the rowan tree carries hers in a mohair scarf. The youngest shoots of the medlar tree are all perfectly downy and the future bouquets of the cherry tree are still tiny but already show a lovely bluish red color. Compared to these, the catkins of the hazel tree are already operational or nearly, incredibly in advance. The forsythia too, which is in advance, has its bare branches swollen with their 116 HISTOIRES DE PAGES - LET'S TALK LAYOUTS MARS 2014 ISSUE 2 importance, as if the bush knew it is the first to light up our life at the end of winter with its bright yellow flowers... Nothing in common with the tragic silhouette of the flooded winter forest trees which are shown in Ula's inspiration (page 121): the melancholy of the countryside brings to mind, in black and white, the painting by Caspar David Friedrich, L'Arbre aux Corbeaux - Tree with Crows - painted in 1822, found today in the Louvre in Paris. We are on the Baltic coast, in front of a tumulus where a pagan warrior has been buried for centuries... But the threatening crows disappear when we look at the yellowy orange sky which lights up the canvas, a symbol of eternal life triumphant over death. Artists carry a world within themselves, and that of a romantic artist, particularly a German one, reminds us of the insignificance of Man in the face of nature, which is the manifestation of divine power, its spectacular visible form. Link to Friedrich's painting: http://macareux-oiseaux.pagesperso-orange.fr/ art/friedric.htm http://macareux-oiseaux.pagesperso-orange.fr/art/friedric.htm

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Let’s talk layouts - Issue #2 - March 2014

Editor's note
One layout, three options - It's your choice
Back to basics - Rediscover brads
Volume on our layouts - 3D effects and superimpositions
Honors go to the square - DT challenge
Anti-crisis scrapbooking - Time for toys
Mail Art - Make your talent travel
Meet the artists - Nina, Stephanie and Nina
It's trendy - Geo tags
Scraptherapy - Layouts which soothe the mind
Our furry friends - in the spotlight
Meet the artists - Our new European recruits Valérie, Julie and Elena
We have tried out for you
Are you a begginner - Then this page is for you !
Rendez-vous - on the blogosphere
Meet us on the net
Readers' Idea Gallery - Life in blue - Back from holidays
Tale of a Sketch #1 - An effective page setting
Tale of a Sketch #2 - A geometric layout
Winter File
Winter is a promise
Zoom on the snowflake - A seasonal motif
A winter with - energising colors
It's on trend - Wood on our layouts
Scrapping in escape mode - Journey to Canada and the Arctic
A mini-album with labels
Color File
Let's tame color - Second part
Different color combinations
Life in Yellow - The emotional power of color
Let's play with color - Fire and ice
Focus on the ombre effect - Decoration, fashion and scrapbooking
Finnabair's secrets - Meet designer Anna Dabrowska and learn her techniques
A background page in 9 steps - #1: Masking and cropping
A background page in 9 steps - #2: Gently splodging
A background page in 9 steps - #3: Texture and transparency effect

Let’s talk layouts - Issue #2 - March 2014
