stressors such as glare, heat, vibration, and engine noise, one can become quickly fatigued thus slowing your reaction time. We must always keep in mind that a boat is an unstable platform, and a large percentage of fatalities occur from falling overboard. Alcohol will also decrease your coordination and impair your ability should you find yourself unexpectedly immersed in the water. Many a good swimmer has drowned because alcohol distorted their ability to orient themselves upon entering the water and ended up swimming down instead of towards the surface. Alcohol may also give you the feeling that you and your boat can perform maneuvers beyond both your limits. The ability to process information from various sources is also depressed by alcohol and the person may develop a tunnel vision perspective, thus blocking out critical information. One's ability to judge speed and distance are also impaired which also limits one's ability to track moving objects. Alcohol also reduces your night vision, you lose the ability to differentiate between red and green which makes the intoxicated boater an even greater hazard after dark. 42