Aquatics Guide - 2018 - 18

Four Things in Aquatics
that Need to Change
By George Deines


've heard the world of aquatics described by my aquatic professional colleagues
across the country as multifaceted, ever-changing, demanding, sophisticated, rewarding and fun. I agree with all these descriptors and because there are so many
descriptors, aquatic professionals must remain proactive and constantly think
about ways to change, evolve and improve their operation to ensure the safety of their
guests and the success of their operation.
I believe there are four areas in which
the aquatics industry must change to
maintain its relevancy for the next 10 to
20 years. While not everyone reading this
article may agree with my assessment,
I hope at a minimum that it will spark


Parks & Recreation

discussion to help aquatic professionals
think about and continually analyze and
evaluate their aquatics operation.
I also see this article reaching three different audiences:
* professionals ahead of the curve who

| A Q UAT I C S G U I D E 2 0 1 8 | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G

have already taken a proactive approach to the areas I mention
* professionals who have addressed a
few of the areas, but need some help in
implementing all of them
* professionals who have recently inherited an aquatics operation and need to
address these areas.
Community Outreach
and Drowning Prevention
The first area where I see the need for
immediate change is in the relationship


Aquatics Guide - 2018

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aquatics Guide - 2018

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