Innovation Guide - 2021 - 7

Best in
to the City of
Ocala, Florida,
for winning the
overall 2021 Best
in Innovation
Award for its
project, Ocala
Recharge Park.
contain other contaminants,
such as heavy metals and oils.
The wetland prevents toxins
from making it to the aquifer
by trapping them in the detritus
(decomposing matter) layer of
the wetland. The wetland then
the clean water down
into the aquifer. The park also
features education exhibits, educational
kiosks and 2.5 miles
of fully accessible walking trails.
Engineered treatment wetlands
are increasing in popularity as a
resource to reduce nutrient and
pollution levels in wastewater
and stormwater. What sets Ocala
Wetland Recharge Park apart is
the " recharge " component. The
park wetland provides up to 3
million gallons of clean and polished
water to the aquifer daily.
What's more, the park is an
inclusive educational facility,
providing easy-to-understand
educational signs throughout.
The purpose of integrating education
is to promote behavioral
changes to reduce pollution
and water consumption.
" This is an innovative project
due to the rapid recharge of
nutrient-reduced water into the
Floridan Aquifer, " says Rachel
Slocumb, conservation coordinator
for City of Ocala. " However,
what truly makes that project
stand out is the educational
component. Park guests are exposed
to educational opportunities
that focus on preserving our
precious natural resources, and
our hope is that this incites a desire
to protect the environment. "
Ocala Wetland Recharge Park features
education exhibits, educational
kiosks and 2.5 miles of walking trails.
Community Engagement
and Partnerships
Prior to and during construction
of the park, more than 100 community
presentations were given,
reaching more than 4,000 individuals.
Multiple community groups
were consulted for their expertise,
including the Marion Chapter of
the Audubon Society and the Big
Scrub Native Plant Society. City
of Ocala staff also established relationships
with Marion County
public schools, local rotary chapters,
Friends of Silver Springs and
other local civic groups, all of
which were influential in determining
many of the public components
of the park.
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Innovation Guide - 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Innovation Guide - 2021

Innovation Guide - 2021 - Cover1
Innovation Guide - 2021 - Cover2
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 1
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 2
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 3
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 4
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 5
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 6
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 7
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 8
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 9
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 10
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 11
Innovation Guide - 2021 - 12
Innovation Guide - 2021 - Cover3
Innovation Guide - 2021 - Cover4