Who, What, Where & how Around the Parks B Y T H E N U M B ER S Park Budget Cut Facts 7: The number of state parks Texas lawmakers are considering " dumping " -that is, turning over to municipalities or local groups. http://www.kens5. com/news/Texas-could-drop-funding-for-Blanco-StatePark-116440524.html 16: The number of Atlanta recreation centers that had been closed due to budget cuts in 2009. Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed delivered on campaign promises by making sure all have since been reopened. http://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta/atlanta-rec- centers-a-861770.html $1 million: The amount Coca-Cola has provided Atlanta to help in Mayor Reed's efforts to keep the city's community centers open and adequately staffed. http://www.atlantaga.gov/media/ nr_soc_022211.aspx 2: The number of days per week North Carolina state officials are considering closing most state parks, as they try to bridge a $2.4 billion budget gap. http://www2.nbc17.com/news/2011/feb/28/ nc-state-parks-could-cut-hours-help-balance-budgetar-820186/ 100: The number of Minneapolis residents who stepped forward to oversee community gardens after city budget cuts eliminated paid staff for that work. http://www.startribune.com/politics/ local/117030738.html 53: The number of Florida state parks recently listed for closure. That is, until Governor Rick Scott conducted a lengthy tour of the state parks department and vowed to keep all of them open. Near the top of his list of reasons were the two gold medals awarded to Florida parks by the NRPA. (Florida was the first state ever to receive two Gold Medal awards.) http://www.thefamuanonline.com/news/ gov-scott-spares-state-parks-1.2485113 20: The number of Cincinnati, Ohio, pools that were closed last summer. (The Cincinnati Recreation Foundation is currently raising funds to reopen 12 of the pools for the 2011 season.) http://www.wlwt. com/r/26901383/detail.html $4 billion: The amount of money that the state of New Jersey has calculated its state parks (and activities related to their use) bring into the state's economy. http://www.capemaycountyherald. com/article/government/trenton/70354-039greens039+ react+favorably+governor039s+budget+no+parks+close 0: The number of trash cans remaining in Island County, Washington's parks after a March 1 budgetrelated cessation of trash pickup services. http:// www.seattlepi.com/sound/436048_sound116699544. html 2.8 million: The number of square feet of real estate owned by the Jehovah's Witnesses in the vicinity of Brooklyn Bridge Park. One idea proposed to raise the $16 million a year needed to run the park is to ensure that the Watchtower buildings become a source of tax revenue after they are sold by the tax-exempt current owners. flickr http://gothamist.com/2011/02/23/ alternative_income_sources_for_ broo.php 14 Parks & Recreation Apr i l 2 0 1 1 www.NRPA .ORG