A mer ipark ca' s bench back yard A Park that " Transcends Time " Turns 50 Wickham Park, Connecticut Connecticut that blended private, endowed park land with public administration. The 250-acre estate grounds in East Hartford that would in 1961 become Wickham Park originally had an Oriental Garden as its centerpiece. Wickham Park has continued as a publicly accessible private park-an " oasis in the midst of sprawl " as its director Jeff Merron describes it. Merron adds that Wickham Park " has been able to fill a void, focusing on gardens and natural beauty rather than on such everyday needs as ball fields. " The park's experimental Sensory Garden quite literally fills a void for those with limited vision and hearing. The garden is divided into six distinctive areas representing the five basic senses, as well as a " sixth sense " of imagination. The plantings and other features in each garden " room " are closely matched to that specific sense. The innovative garden has received much local praise for showing that accessibility for people with disabilities can be a part of inclusive design that is enjoyed by everyone. 88 Parks & Recreation Apr i l 2 0 1 1 www.NRPA .ORG photos courtesy of wickham park The March 1968 issue of Parks & Recreation featured a unique park in