contents august columns departments 8 Perspectives 12 Research fAdditional Park and Recreation Mapping and Data Resources 12 fPark Pulse: Making Outdoor Play a Priority for Adults 14 An Amazing Year! Stephen Eckelberry 10 Editor's Letter Arts and Parks: A Natural Fit Gina Mullins-Cohen 16 Community Center Parks and Rec and BMX Nick Adams 22 Advocacy Career and Technical Education for Youth at Park & Rec Agencies Kate Sims 18 Member to Member From Steel to Green: Revitalizing Pittsburgh Through Its Park System Scott Roller 24 Law Review ADA Accessibility Rules for Alterations to Existing Facilities James C. Kozlowski, J.D., Ph.D. 60 NRPA Update fSummer Camp on Capitol Hill: Play On to Protect Programming at Parks 60 fCongratulations to the 2017 National Award, Fellowship and Scholarship Recipients 63 fIn Appreciation of David Lose 64 fMember Benefit: Five Reasons to Post Your Open Position on the NRPA Career Center 65 fConnect Hot Topics 65 30 Future Leaders Empowering Youth to Care for Local Parks and Their Neighborhoods Mark Talbert 32 Conservation Collaborating with Communities Strengthens Green Infrastructure Outcomes Lori Robertson fThe Outdoor Alliance for Kids Holds Capitol Hill Briefing 66 fMember Spotlight: Laura Bauernfeind 68 fParks & Recreation Crossword 70 fProfessional Development Calendar 71 72 Operations Artificial Intelligence: Not Your Father's Toolbox 34 Health and Wellness Community and Home Gardening Develop Lifelong Healthy Habits Allison Colman 36 Social Equity The Empty Bowls Soup Tale Anica O'Neil and Rae Wallace 74 Products 75 Marketplace 79 Advertiser Index 80 Park Bench 'In Tune' with the Community Maureen Acquino Page 32 6 Parks & Recreation | A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G