Public parks are the perfect venue for social play programs, which can be customized to a specific community's needs. Gainesville, Florida In Gainesville, the " Love to Learn " and " Love to Play " programs held at the Joyce Oransky Tennis Center at Albert Ray Massey (Westside) Park offer a two-tiered approach that's custom designed for adult beginners to learn tennis in a fun, fast-paced, no-pressure environment. " Love to Learn, " which is facilitated by USTA Florida, provides six weeks of play, court time and pro fees for $25. No racquet? No problem. The program also offers loaner racquets to participants if needed. During the six weeks, tennis pros work with participants W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G | AU G U ST 2 0 1 9 | Parks & Recreation 19