www.nrpa.org * december 2009 * Vol. 44 * No. 12 ma g a z i n e 32 A Soldier's Story Wounded in active duty, one soldier makes it his mission to ease his fellow troops' return to civilian life through recreation. Douglas Vaira Columns 5 Perspectives Technology and Grassroots Support for Parks and Recreation Barbara Tulipane, CAE 6 editor's letter 38 The Power of Citizens You won't find their names on the payroll, but you can bet these citizen activists are serious about public parks and recreation. Douglas Vaira 43 Universally Loved Universal access allows children of all abilities to have fun. Rachel Roberts Serving on the Home Front Phil Hayward 21 Advocacy Update Legislative Update- A look at how members benefit from NRPA's advocacy efforts Stacey Pine 25 law review Fatal Bear Attacks Test Immunity Laws James C. Kozlowski, J.D., Ph.D. 29 research update 46 Surface Matters A look at the controversy surrounding rubber mulch The Field of Serious Leisure By Junhyoung Kim and Jinmoo Heo Rachel Roberts Contents Cover photo: Rick Dahms 2 Parks & Recreation DECEMBER 2009 www.NRPA .ORG