N R PA I n A ct i o n Board of Directors Nominations A fter three years of transition, NRPA now has a 21 member at-large Board of Directors. The Nominating Board Development Committee is actively seeking candidates to fill open positions for the 2010-2013 term. Take advantage of the opportunity to help lead the national association by becoming a candidate or nominating a candidate for the Board of Directors. You can make a difference. The benefits of being on the board are many: ✱ A significant role in advancing the field and the movement ✱ An opportunity to enhance the value of NRPA ✱ Access to up-to-date information about the challenges facing parks and recreation ✱ The chance to exchange ideas and perspectives with other volunteer leaders 54 Parks & Recreation DECEMBER 2009 www.NRPA .ORG We want to hear from you. NRPA is your association. Your participation in the identification and nomination of skilled and dedicated leaders is integral to the health and success of NRPA. Please help NRPA identify and encourage involvement and participation of members who can actively lead the association. For detailed Nomination and Election information, visit the NRPA website at http://www.nrpa. org/leadership under Related Information. If you are interested in serving, or know of potential board members, please contact Jodie Adams at jadams@springfieldmo.gov, Robert Ashcraft at ashcraft@asu.edu or Brenda Beales at bbeales@ nrpa.org. Nominations must be received no later than February 12, 2010.