WWW.NrPa.Org * deCemBer 2011 * VOl. 46 * NO. 12 MAGAZiNe COv e R S tO Ry f e At u R e 38 The NRPA in 2012 42 Urban champions the Board of directors sets its priorities for 2012, including measurable goals for initiatives such as conservation, ProraGIs, and america's Backyard. the mayors of richmond, Virginia; houston, texas; and kansas City, Missouri know the value of parks and recreation to their cities-and are investing their future. COLuMNS 4 10 PeRSPeCtiveS Conservation and the Future editOR'S LetteR Great Leaders Barbara Tulipane Philip Hayward 29 AdvOCACy uPdAte 33 LAw Review Job offer rescinded for hearing-Impaired Lifeguard James C. Kozlowski, J.D., Ph.D. same song, second Verse Leslie Mozingo Contents Cover photo by Pete winkel 2 Parks & Recreation D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 1 w w w . N R P A . O R G