©Myles Mellor Parks & Recreation Crossword Across 1 Location of the DOD 2017 Warrior Games 5 Word used with duty or pride 8 Miss. neighbor 9 Current chair of the NRPA board Leon T. ____, Jr. 10 Sticky substance from a tree 11 Name ___ (at a conference) 12 Head sculptures 13 Connection 15 Unit of pressure 16 Golden state 17 Buy in a hurry (2 words) 20 Pastor's title 22 National initiative showing the value of parks on the health and wellness of communities, ____ Community, 2 words 23 Computer dept. 25 " Xanadu " rock band 26 Camera brand 27 Dove sound 28 Japanese dish 29 Pours out Down 1 Seashore 2 Deep blue 3 It's often tree-lined, abbr. 4 Haven 5 Golfer's transports 6 Park users 7 Subject of vital concern for the Next 100 Coalition - and all of us 12 Riversides 14 Anger 16 Louisiana's state tree - it's a fir 18 Cutting back a plant or tree 19 Health and Wellness, Social Equity and Conservation are NRPA's Three _____ 21 Structures in some parks 24 Land area 26 Hawaiian greeting Check the answers to the crossword at www.nrpa.org/crossword. As an added bonus for completing the crossword, you can enter a drawing to receive some fun NRPA swag. The winner will be randomly selected and notified December 29, 2017. 76 Parks & Recreation | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 | W W W. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N . O R G