New members of Congress. New dynamics. New platforms. National Legislative Forum on Parks and Recreation March 16-18, 2011 Grand Hyatt, Washington, D.C. January 2011 will usher in a new session of Congress and a new legislative landscape. The 112th Congress will bring in new members of Congress who must be educated about the importance of parks and recreation to local communities and our nation. NRPA's Legislative Forum provides park and recreation advocates with the opportunity to encourage these new members to be champions for our issues, and then equip them with knowledge and information so they are able to fight for our priorities. It also provides an opportunity to reach out to returning members of Congress to gain their renewed commitment to fighting for park and recreation funding. Make your voice count! Join us for the National Legislative Forum on Parks and Recreation. Register now at: 703.858.0784 * 800.626.NRPA (6772) or 711 for hearing and speech impaired 800.626.NRPA (6772) *