The oldest and most respected professional development school for parks and recreation professionals Year One Topics March 13-18, 2011 Hosted by The National Training Center for Facility Managers at Oglebay Resort & Conference Center Curriculum Themes: * Developing Organizational Efficiencies * Understanding & Applying the Business Model * Building Broad Public Support * Positioning Your Agency for the Future Visit for a complete list of year one and year two topics What past graduates are saying... " Revenue Development and Management school provided a comprehensive overview of all aspects in the parks and recreation business which affect revenue. It provided great networking opportunities with other municipalities, and many valuable tools to take back to your own municipality and apply. Jillian Fleming " City of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada The Revenue Development & Management School was definitely the best school I have been to in my professional career... an incredible opportunity to learn and grow professionally as well as to meet and network with professionals at a national level. Laura Marquardt, CPRP Community Center Manager Wheaton Park District, Wheaton, Illinois Title Sponsor: " " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Principles of Revenue Development Budgeting for the Bottom Line Developing Foundations Case Study and Tour of the First Revenue-based Public Park System: Oglebay Park Professional Ethics Trends and Markets Creative Revenue Development Capital Development Strategies Contract Services Management Presentation Strategies Pricing for Cost Recovery Sponsorships/Partnerships Marketing Techniques Support from External Sources Quality Management Services Applied Revenue Management Forum Year Two Topics * Media and Pulic Relations * Facility/Park Design for Maximizing Revenue * Team Topics and Assignments/Case Studies * Strategic Planning * Business Plans for Successful Projects * The Enterprise Approach * Communicating Your Agency's Identity * Developing a Marketing Plan * Economic Development Strategies * Creating Value Through Innovation * Techniques for Financial Sustainability * Funding Organizational Priorities For more information call 304-243-4126, visit us on the web at or view our Facebook page Resort & Conference Center