Who, What, Where & how Around the Parks Who, What, Where & how Around the Parks by the numbers The Numbers at Stake Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) State Assistance Program Transportation 44 billion: 221: the number of local communities impacted in 2010 (through LWCF funding) with new or improved parkland and recreational facilities. the total individual " trips " made up of biking and walking each year. 12: the percentage of all U.S. " trips " that walking and biking represent. 3 million: the number of $900 million: total acres of greenspace permanently protected. 40,400: the number of projects funded since 1965. $7.4 billion: the amount of money provided to state and local parks since 1965 (including state and local matching funds). Urban Parks and Livable Communities $2.9 billion: the FY 2012 funding level for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG). $1 billion: the amount cut from CDBG since 2010. $100 million: approximate amount of federal transportation funds spent on walking, hiking, and conservation projects each year. The amount of COBG funding going to parks and recreation projects annually. 1.5: The current percentage Health and Wellness of federal transportation funds spent (through the Surface Transportation Act) on walking and biking projects each year. 2012: The year the Surface total amount of funding allotted in the Centers for Disease Control's Community Transformation Grants (CTG) program. (CTG funds communities across the Unites States in carrying out wellness and prevention initiatives. State and local government agencies- including parks and recreation departments-are eligible to apply.) Yan Lev/ shutterstock Transportation Act is scheduled to expire (at the end of March). $280 million: The 16 Parks & Recreation F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2 w w w . N R P A . O R G w w w . N R P A . O R G F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2 Parks & Recreation 16