Cov e r Sto ry Public golf courses may have the upper hand in the down economy All photos courtesy of Cit y of Aurora Golf division By Pat Jones Did you ever notice how it seems like you can't swing a dead cat in this country without hitting a McDonalds? The ubiquitous Golden Arches loom over our landscape at every freeway exit, on every main street, and in every suburban shopping mall. They are literally everywhere. So, would it surprise you just a bit to learn that there are actually more golf courses in the United States than there are McDonalds locations? That's right-16,000 courses versus just over 15,000 Mickey Ds. If you're a manager currently competing in the golf market, that alone should be enough to send a chill down your spine. Couple that with the fact that the number of rounds played nationally has grown just 19 percent over the past 20 years while the number of courses has grown by 42 percent in the same time period. Supply hasn't just exceeded demand, it has left it in the dust. 38 Parks & Recreation JANUARY 2010 www.NRPA .ORG