Moving Toward a Brighter Future for Wellston, Missouri NRPA selects Wellston, Missouri, as the site of its 2016 Parks Build Community initiative By Paula Jacoby-Garrett T he benefit of parks and trails to an individual has been well documented, from physical improvements through exercise to mental benefits through a connection with nature and the outdoors. Yet, that benefit goes beyond the individual to the betterment of a community as a whole. The presence of parks increases neighborhood property values and decreases crime rates. Local economies often benefit through increased tourism and the creation of a stable community. For many struggling communities, however, financial constraints limit the creation, renovation and upkeep of parks in the area. NRPA addresses this issue with its trailblazing Parks Build Community initiative. W W W. N R PA . O R G | J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 6 | Parks & Recreation 55