TRENDS in Parks and Recreation 2021 An analysis of the key topics and predictions that may impact the park and recreation field this year By Richard J. Dolesh I t is time for the annual rundown of the top trends in park and recreation predictions. Eagerly awaited and sought after, these predictions stimulate the anticipatory senses and offer a respite from the winter blues. However, we must acknowledge that things are much different this year. The world of parks and recreation has been upended by the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic. In March of 2020, we were looking toward a spring season that was bright with promise and rich with the possibilities of time spent enjoying our nation's parks and recreation resources. But COVID-19 changed many things, and we have had to adapt ever since. The recent approval of multiple vaccines, however, offers the hope that we can put this dark winter behind us. PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N .O R G | J A N UA RY 2 02 1 | Parks & Recreation 35